We cannot deny that having sex or making love is one of the most enjoyable activities for married couples. Sex not only increases marital harmony but improves overall health. Many studies have confirmed that sex can burn enough calories, improve heart health, reduces stress and be very gratifying. Having sex is a healthy activity, but you need to know that it can also lead to untimely death if not properly controlled. Death can occur during sex for a number of reasons, generally because of the physical exertion and strain of the activity, or some underlying medical condition. As beneficiary as sex maybe, it is also associated with variety of deadly risks.
Sudden deaths [SD] during sex account for approximately 0.9 per cent of all sudden deaths. Numerous notable cases of individuals dying during or from sex have been recorded and reported. For example, Nelson Rockefeller, who was a former Vice-President of the United States died of a heart attack during sex. Last king of the Huns in Europe, Atilla, was also recorded in history of being killed by a heart rendering deadly orgasm.
Sudden death (SD) as a result of sex has been linked to heart and heart related reasons. Majority of deaths due to bad heart such as arteriosclerosis, heart attack, stroke and some other organic condition has also been a reason for erectile dysfunction not well managed or ignored.
Even, death could result from routine sexual activities. For instance, an increasing percentage of death has been reported as a result of garage sex. It is not a bad idea to have variety of places and positions for creative sex but the engine of the car must not be left running, because when you run the engine of a car in a closed garage and you are not in a hurry to rush sex, there is a possibility of dying from inhaling carbon monoxide poison. For couples who like to have sex in the car, the gas is a threat, especially if you let the car idle, turn on the AC and because the car is in a closed state, better still do a quick one if you must.
Variety of sexual perversion has also become one of the most common causes of sudden death during sex. We recognised that sex is one of the primary needs of man, it is one of the major reasons that men build commitment in marriage. If executed properly, sex can be so beautiful and enjoyed by the couple. However, when a partner wants sex in a very strange manner, the practice of this may lead to sudden death. Sex that is done after torturing the other couple has been claimed to be a form of sexual fantasy where some people only feel aroused by the satisfaction of seeing their partner in torment. There are also people who actually enjoy sex when their partner’s body is sprinkled with hot wax; many people died while doing this. High percentage of sudden death by sex has been recorded with some defective mindset. There are fellows who think that until they have sex with animals, they might not be horny. These people argue that they easily get aroused and climax because of the variety of the genitalia of the animals. What makes them horny is the irregularity in shape, size, colour and look but it is the same irregularity that leads to sudden toxic death. The percentage of sudden death in hotels, guest houses, inns, lodging houses, hidden places are as a result of illicit sex affairs between a married man and married woman. The untimely deaths aside from health condition have mystical or psychic undertone.
One of the likely causes of sudden death during sex is having sex during menstruation. As a matter of fact, it can be detrimental to the health of both couples. During menstruation, vaginal wall will experience inflammation or swelling of the body’s natural processes. When inflammation occurs, the uterine lining will decay which coincides with the release of menstrual blood. The blood is a medium that has the potential to develop the germs and bacteria that can cause infection. Usually, the cervix opens up a bit and the opening of the cervix most times facilitates entry of germs and bacteria to the uterus and these germs and bacteria even spread to the pelvic cavity. Sexually transmitted diseases, HIV, hepatitis among others are some of the health risks that can result from having sex while menstruating. If the potential partner is promiscuous, it may lead to sudden death as a result of sexual activities. Deep hard movement of the penis during sexual intercourse in the menstrual period may also be a trigger of an air bubble into an open vein. If the embolism or air bubble finds its way into the blood vessels, it will result in clogged arteries and may lead to sudden death. Anal sex is another cause of sudden death due to sexual activities. In most cases, anal sex victims usually bleed and when the thrusting in and out is too vigorous, they might likely bleed out of every pore in the body. The lymph nodes break down and bleeding becomes uncontrollable.
Sex during a medically pinned down pregnancy is another reason for sudden death. Pregnancy expands the blood vessels in the woman’s pelvis. When a pregnancy is classified as a medically sensitive case, sex should be avoided. Women who have sex shortly after giving birth could put their lives at risk. According to research, women who are in their 20s and have had several children may likely die because they had sex too soon after giving birth. Even with history of normal delivery, they may collapse while having sex and die due to air bubbles or embolisms being introduced into the body and travelling up to the heart and brain. This is because the blood vessels in a woman’s pelvic area widened during pregnancy and takes around three weeks to readjust after birth. The researchers said it was more common for women to have air embolisms if they had deep penetrative sex with their knees against their chest. This is because the uterus would be above the right wall of the heart, increasing air pressure on the heart. Other causes of death by air embolism during or after birth include induced abortion, oral sex and forceps delivery.
Heart attack has been a major cause of sudden death during or after sexual activities. Middle-aged men with heart problems are much more likely to die during sexual intercourse. A 28-year-old woman died after several rounds of sex with a male companion in a hotel. Reports have it that the pair were regular guests of the hotel where the incident happened few days ago. During investigation, it was discovered that the lady had a heart condition she ignored and excess alcohol was found in her blood stream. People who are under the influence of alcohol will feel the incredible pleasure when having sex while drunk but it could be a sudden death signal. So many people that engage in use of alcohol have this belief that with excessive use of alcohol, they are likely going to prolong the sexual act but that can lead to sudden death if such individuals have some underlying conditions that are not detected. It is healthier to do away with alcohol.
Sexual orgasm through intercourse or masturbation can increase heart rate and blood pressure. For people who have problems with hypertension or a weak heart, it can trigger sudden death. The popular spell cast of ‘magun’ has been a considerable reason for sudden death during sexual activities in Africa.
Variety of techniques and places aimed at addressing the extreme boredom of having sex is okay. However, certain risky places such as height on a roof, the window stand of a room, tiled slippery bathroom, tip of a chipped bathtub, and so on are not only very dangerous but a sudden death arena.
Every and all addictive anal sex activities lead to sudden death. Medically, the anus has a lot of walls that are thinner because it is an extension of the large intestine. Vigorous sexual activity does not only over- extend this area, it also tears the skin and causes severe bleeding because the anus is not as thick as the walls of the vagina that is prepared to copulate.
How can I delay ejaculation?
Thank God for your educative articles; they are really adding spice to our sex life. Firstly, my wife urinates explosively sometimes after orgasmic sex. She barely makes it to the bathroom before losing control and urinating, sometimes she messes up her body. Is it normal?
Secondly, I usually lose control and ejaculate when my wife is close to her second orgasm and I can feel her vagina muscles contracting again. I desire to hold on till her second orgasm comes, so that we can come together. Any suggestion?
Mr. Rolland Ibukwe
Kegel exercise or pelvic floor exercise for five minutes, two or three times daily, is best for both of you. You will likely see significant improvement in your ability to control till her second orgasm.
In men, inability to hold on ejaculation longer may sometimes be caused by a weak urethra. Kegel exercises will completely help regain bladder control which will invariably help to sustain and delay ejaculation. It will also help to control the flow of urine of your wife. Kegels are easy to do, once you know which muscles to target. One of the easiest ways for both of you to locate your muscles is during urination. Here’s how: Halfway through urination, try to stop or slow down the flow of urine. Don’t tense the muscles in your buttocks, legs, or abdomen, and don’t hold your breath. When you can slow or stop the flow of urine, you’ve successfully located these muscles. Contract these muscles for a slow count of five. Release the muscles to a slow count of five. Repeat 10 times. Do a set of 10 Kegels daily, three times a day. When you’re first starting, it may be easier to do Kegel exercises lying down for men and sitting on the toilet W.C. for women, so your muscles aren’t fighting against gravity. It may also be easier to contract the muscles for just two or three seconds at first. After a few weeks, increase the time until eventually you’re contracting the muscles for a slow five or 10 seconds, and do the exercises standing up. That helps puts more weight on the muscles, boosting the workout level and improving the control. Remember not to tense your buttock, legs, or stomach muscles while you’re doing Kegels.
How long does a woman usually take to reach orgasm during sex?
10, 20 minutes or thereabout. Women generally need longer time to have an orgasm than men, who take about seven to 14 minutes. These are just average durations anyway. You may be faster or slower, and it can be different from one time to the next.
Is it true that men can’t have an orgasm unless they ejaculate?
Paulina Seth
No, it is not true. Having an orgasm and ejaculating are two different things. They usually happen together. For many men, a powerful ejaculation is the best part of an orgasm. Other men keep feeling the orgasm well after they release semen. After age 40, a man may ejaculate less, but he can still have multiple orgasms.
Is it true?
I am close to 50 years and I still experience toilet disease. My friend suggests I should eat a lot of yogurt and douche regularly to prevent this.
Loli Ejodunmu
Yeast infections is popularly called toilet disease in women. If at the age of 50 or thereabout you still experience this, it is in your best interest to see the doctor. It may be an underlying reason of some other infections. Women could still get yeast infections after menopause begins. This is because menopause causes hormonal changes, which can affect the balance of yeast or bacteria in the vagina and lead to a yeast infection. Correct Answer: False
Most doctors recommend that women should not douche at all. Douching changes the acidity level of the PH balance of the vagina, so it is safer to only wash the outer folds of the vagina with warm water and mild soap. Correct Answer: All of the above
You can reduce your chances of getting a yeast infection by wearing cotton panties, which are cooler than synthetic panties and won’t trap sweat; avoiding douches and feminine sprays, which can be irritating; changing tampons or pads often during your period and avoiding tight panties, and jeans. As to eating yogurt, well some types of yogurt contain dietary acidophilus (Lactobacillus acidophilus), which is a type of “friendly” bacteria that lives in the digestive, urinary, and genital systems. But there is not enough scientific evidence to say that yogurt effectively treats or prevents vaginal yeast infections.