Thursday, December 8, 2011

National Assembly Massive Jobs, 2012.

Nigeria National Assembly is recruiting massively to fill numerous vacancies in the National Institute for Legislative Studies (NILS).

The National Institute for Legislative Studies (NILS) was established early in 2011 following the enactment of the enabling legislation. NILS is designed to be a Centre of excellence providing technical support to the work of the National assembly through research and publications on democratic governance, and legislative practice and procedures. The Institute will help to improve the capacity of legislators and legislative staff to carry out their duties. In that regard, it will design and implement regular and customized training programmes to meet the needs of all those involved with the work of the legislature.

The Institute welcomes applications from candidates with the qualifications and cognate experience to fill the positions in the departments, namely: Research Department; Finance and Administration Department; Legislative and Practice Procedures Department, Governance and Public Policy Analysis Department; and training Department.

The positions are listed below.

The office of the Director General has a total of five units. They include: Internal Audit, Corporate affairs, Legal Services, Information and communication Technology and Monitoring and Evaluation.

Unit 1: Internal Audit

1.) Manager-Internal Audit


Plan and coordinate Internal Audit functions of the Institute with a focus on accounting/ finance, information technology, project management and security Operations.
Executing detailed audit procedures, including reviewing transaction, documents, records, reports and policy
Conducting Investigations of possible cases of fraud
Provision of assistance in to the accounts division in the planning of external audits and implementation of audit recommendation.
Provide proactive advice and assistance to management with respect to control matters.
Assessing risks and determining the effectiveness of Internal controls and the potential impact on internal control deficiencies
Other functions as may be assigned by the Director-General.


A good honours degree or higher National diploma in accounting from a recognized Institute/University plus the professional Diploma of the Association of National accountants of Nigeria.
Possessing the Final Certificate of Professional Accounting bodies such as ICAN, ACCA, CIPF, ICMA and ICPA
Minimum of 12 years of Cognate experience.

2.) Officer - Internal Audit


Assist the Chief Internal Auditor
Supervising the activities of audit assistants engaged in routine audit duties
Assist with investigation duties


A good honours degree or higher National diploma in accounting from a recognized Institute/University plus the professional Diploma of the Association of National accountants of Nigeria.
Possessing the Final Certificate of Professional Accounting bodies such as ICAN, ACCA, CIPF, ICMA and ICPA
A minimum of 3 years post degree experience in relevant fields

3.) Assistant - Internal Audit


Assist with sundry verifications
Assist with posting and examining vouchers


A good honours degree or higher National diploma in accounting from a recognized Institute/University plus the professional Diploma of the Association of National accountants of Nigeria. (ANAN)
A minimum of one year post degree experience.

Unit 2: Corporate Affairs

4.) Manager- Information


Report to Communications Adviser
Overall administration of the Information Unit and Promoting the visibility of NILS at National and International levels.
Responsible for production of Institute’s weekly and monthly news bulletins and magazines
Developing and organizing the National and International Visibility of NILS
Initiating the review of Information and Public relations Policies and Programmes


Minimum academic qualification of a Masters degree.
Minimum of 5 years Post Master’s cognate experience preferably in administrative or management positions
Excellent verbal and written communication skills

5.) Assistant Manager- Information


Assisting the Manager in the day-to day administration of the Unit
Organize the circulation of Nils Publications
Assist in Promoting the visibility of NILS nationally and internationally.
Also, advising on Corporate and Publicity activities.
Performing other duties that may be assigned.


A Master’s degree, from a recognized University, preferably in Mass communication, Arts and Social Sciences.
Minimum of 6 years experience on the grade or by direct appointment of a candidate who possesses the specified qualifications for an information officer plus 6years of cognate experience.

6.) Information Officer


Supervise and Provide Practical training to subordinates.
Develop and organize linkages with national and International media organization organizations
Media monitoring to determine matters that affect the Institute.
Also, required write feature articles and booklets/pamphlets relating to the Institute’s activities.


Possession of a Master’s degree from a recognized University, preferably in the areas of Arts, Social Sciences with at least 3 years cognate experience.
Or Direct appointment of candidate possessing any of the qualification for Information assistant plus 3 years cognate experience.

7.) Information Assistant


Assisting in publicizing the activities of the Institute
Assist and participate in media coverage of NLS and preparing materials for advertisement and promotional activities.
Report on the reportage of NASS/NILS activities in print and electronic media
Collect Data, assist in writing and editing press releases, pamphlets, posters and other publications
Other responsibilities that may be assigned.

Requirements / Qualification:

A good Honors degree, not below second class lower division, preferably in Mass communication, Arts and social Sciences from a recognized University.
Experience in news reporting will be an added advantage.

8.) Camera Man


Producing motion Pictures photography, black and white or colour
Handling simple newsreel filming
Proficient in using video Camera and accessories
Recommending the acquisition and disposal of Camera equipment, film stock, Black/white or colour.


Minimum of General Certificate of Education with at least 10 years of experience in relevant field.

Unit 3: Legal Services

9.) Legal Officer


Assist the Legal Adviser with necessary legal briefing and documentation
Ensure that all statutory processes and Procedure are followed and complete
Oversee that the process of procurement act is followed


L.L.B with at least 5 years of experience in either public or Private sectors
Experience in writing legal briefs will be an added advantage
L.LM degree holders will also have an added advantage.

Unit 4: Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

10.) Manager - Information and Communication Technology (ICT)


Supervise and implement all IT installations
Operation and maintenance of the Institute’s ICT facility
Preparation of technical brief for National assembly/NILS Website and its implementation.
Other IT related services that may be required from time to time.


Possession of a minimum of Master’s degree in relevant disciplines, which includes but not limited to Computer science, Mass communication from a reputable University or Institution.
A minimum of 12 years post degree experience in Information communication Technology management.
Experience should include holding administrative or managerial positions in a Public or Private sector

11.) Assistant Manager- Information


Supervising Training and Staff development
Assist to promote the visibility of NILS at National and International levels.
Assist the manager in the day-to-day administration of the Unit
Initiate the review of Information and public relations policies and programmes
Perform other duties as may be assigned by superior officers


A good honor degree, not below second class lower division, preferably in Mass Communication, Arts and Social sciences, from a recognized University
Entry is by direct appointment of a candidate who possesses the specified qualifications
Minimum of 6 years of Experience cognate experience.

12.) Officer - (ICT)


Collaborating with the Training department to implement IT related training activities
Other ICT related services as may be requested by the manager
Supervise and assign tasks to ICT assistant officers


Minimum of Master’s degree from recognized Universities or equivalent certification(s) in Information Science technology, Computer science or other related fields.
Minimum of 3 yers post — degree experience in relevant fields.

13.) Assistant Officer (ICT)


Undertaking data processing operations
Assist in the maintenance and operation of Institute’s ICT facilities


Possess relevant degrees with a minimum of 1 year post qualification experience in related or relevant fields.

Unit 5: Monitoring and Evaluation

14.) Manager- Monitoring and Evaluation


Overall management of the division
Ensure that work plans and strategic plan of the Institute have monitoring components
Tracking of Programmes implementations as defined in work plan and strategic Plans of NILS
Monitor and evaluate outcomes of NLS information management activities and training programs
Evaluate usefulness and quality of programs delivery through administration of questionnaires to participants of training programmes and users of other activities of NLS
Advice on more effective capacity development program regularly


A good honours degrees, not below second class lower division, in the Social
Sciences or any other approved discipline, from a recognized University plus a Master’s degree in areas of interest to the Institute, which includes but not limited to
Project management/analysis, Business management/Administration
A doctorate degree will be an advantage.
A minimum of 5 years post Master’s degree experience

15.) Officer - Monitoring and Evaluation


Design and implement capacity needs assessment surveys periodically
Tracking of programrnmes implementation in relation to work plans
Designing and implementing impact assessment surveys.


A good honours degrees, not below second class lower division, in the Social Sciences or any other approved discipline, from a recognized University plus a Master’s degree in areas of interest to the Institute, which includes but not limited to
Project management/analysis, Business management/Administration
A doctorate degree will be an advantage
Minimum of 3 years cognate experience.

Research and Public Policy Analysis Department

The research and Public Policy Analysis is one of the Core departments. It has five divisions, which include; Real Sector/Macro Economy, Social-Political Research, Public Finance, Social Sector and Documentation.

16.) Director


Coordinate policy and data reports from subordinate officers for onward submission to the Director General.
Advice and supervise development and operationalization of policies among the four units.


Minimum academic qualification of a Master’s degree in relevant areas, which includes but not limited to Economics, Political science and Development Studies.
A doctorate degree is preferred.
In addition, a minimum of 18 years post Master’s degree research experience acquired from a reputable research and hr training institutions.
The research experience should also be manifested in at least 24 publications in reputable national and International Journals and books in relevant fields.

Public Finance Division

17.) Deputy Director - Public Finance Division


Assist in conducting medium and long - term impact analysis of the budget and other evaluation studies that would improve on budgeting in Nigeria
Conduct Bills and Policy Analysis activities in relevant fields.
Collaborate with the training department to implement its training programmes.


Minimum academic requirement of a Master’s degree in relevant areas of specialization, which includes but not limited to, Finance, Accounting, Public/business Administration. A doctorate degree will be accorded preference.
Minimum of 15 years post master’s degree research experience and at least 18 publications in reputable national and International Journals

18.) Research Fellow II or I - Public Finance Division


Conducting research on Macroeconomic policies as it affects the Institute and other professional activities.
Undertake Bills/Policy Analysis assignments.
Academic guidance to Subordinates
Participating in Conferences, workshops, seminars and design! delivery of training programmes.


A doctorate degree plus at least 3 years of experience as a Research Fellow 1 Or a doctorate degree plus at least 8 - 12 years post-master’s degree experience
Strong evidence of research and at least 6-8 publications in reputable National and International Journals.

19.) Research Assistant / Officer


Assisting in research and training activities of the Institute


First degree (2nd Class Upper Division) and a Master’s Degree in Economics
Evidence of research work.
Candidate must possess requisite qualifications plus 1-3 years post-qualification cognate experience

Social-Political Division

20.) Deputy Director: Social-Political Research


Prepare relevant research and policy reports that will be of interest to legislators and other stakeholders in the policy arena
Collaborate with the training department to implement its training programmes.


A doctorate degree in relevant disciplines, which include but not limited to, Political Science, History, Sociology, Philosophy etc. plus post Master’s cognate 15 years of experience and 18 Publications in reputable National and International Journals

21.) Research Fellow I and II - Social-Political Research


Conducting in-depth research and Studies on Social-Political issues
Prepare reports that will be of interest to legislators and other stakeholders in the policy arena.
Undertake Briefs and Policy Analysis activities


A doctorate degree in relevant disciplines, which include but not limited to, Political Science, History, Sociology, Philosophy etc. plus 6-10 years of experience as well as 5-8 publications in national and international journals.

22.) Research Assistant - Social-Political Research


Assist in carrying out surveys, collection and analysis of data relating to social-political problems
Any other relevant task as may be directed by superior officers


An honors Bachelor’s degree obtained at first class or second class (upper division) and a Master’s degree in disciplines such as Economics, Law, political Science and others approved by management.
Entry into post by appointment.

Real Sector / Macro Economy Division

23.) Deputy Director - Real Sector Macro Economy


Supervision of task and reports from subordinate officers relating to the Division
Assign directives on preparation of policy Papers and policy briefs
Collaborate with the training department to implement its training programmes.


Minimum academic qualification of a Master’s degree and a minimum of 15 years of cognate experience; minimum of 18 publications in reputable national and international journals, books and monographs. Relevant areas of specialization include Macro Economy, Development Economics and Financial Economics. A doctorate will be accorded preference.
Minimum national and International Journals.

24.) Research Fellows I & II for Real Sector / Macro economy


Involvement in and coordination of research, Bills and policy analysis activities of the unit.
Operationalization of macroeconomic models
Involvement in targeted database development.


A doctorate degree in Development Economics or Financial Economics, plus 6-10 years post Master’s degree experience and 5-8 publications in reputable national and international joumals books, and monographs

25.) Research Assistant/Officer


Development and operationalization of macroeconomic models
Involvement in targeted database development, research and bill/policy analysis activities.


Evidence of research experience
Entry is by appointment of candidate who possesses the requisite qualifications plus 1-3 years post qualification experience.

Social Sector Division

26.) Deputy Director - Social Sector Division


Coordinate and supervise tasks in the Social Sector Division
Participate in research, bills/policy analysis.
Collaborating with the training department to implement its training programmes.


Minimum academic qualification of a Master’s degree in relevant area of specialization such as development economics and business economics.
Minimum of 15 years Post Master’s degree research experience and at least 18 publications.

27.) Research Fellow I & II - Social Sector Division


Conducting in-depth research and studies on Social sector issues such as health, infrastructure and education
Participate in Bills/Policy Analysis activities
Collaborate with the training department to implement its training programmes.
Preparing reports that will be of interest to Legislators and other stakeholders in the policy arena.


A doctorate degree in relevant disciplines plus at least 6-10 years post qualification experience
Strong evidence of research and at least 5-8 publications in reputable national and International journals or monographs.

28.) Research Assistant Officer - Social sector Division


Assist in conducting research, Bills and policy analysis in Social sector division as may be directed by the research fellow or other superior officers.


An honors Bachelor’s degree obtained at first class or second class (upper division) and a Master’s degree in as Economics,

Documentation/Library Division:

29.) Deputy Director: Data, Documentation and Library Services


Build and maintain a database of all the outputs of the institute and of all relevant information related to key development policies and issues
Build, maintain and circulate NILS’ collection of books, journals, monographs, magazines and newspapers worthy of the Institute.
Maintain an e-library of international standards.
Provide and maintain accredited user facilities. -
Build and maintain a document section of parliamentary documents (National and State Assemblies and other parliaments world over)
Operation of a specialized library relevant to the needs of the Legislature and Stakeholders in the policy arena.


A minimum academic qualification of a Master’s degree in Library Science or any other relevant areas of specialization
A Minimum of 15 years Post Master’s cognate experience in relevant areas of interest to the Institute. Strong evidence of Research experience in required.

30.) Asst Manager Library Services


Maintenance of library records and setting up Library exhibition
Build and maintain of a database of all outputs of all relevant information related to key development policies and issues
Other functions relating to the provision of documentation and library services.


A Master’s degree in Library Science, Library Information Science, Management information science/Computer Science (plus post graduate diploma in Library studies).
Plus 10 years post qualification experience. A doctorate degree candidate will be accorded preference

31.) Assistant Manager, Data and Documentation


Develop and maintain e-data bank and documents section of the library.
Coordinate data bank activities and e-library services.
Initiate and implement actions on the review of documentation and data bank programmes and policies.

Qualifications and Mode of Entry

A good honours degree in Information or Computer Science or Statistics plus at least 6 years post-qualification experience. A post-graduate diploma in Library Studies will be an advantage.
Or a master’s degree in Library and Information Science or a master’s degree in Information Science plus at least 6 years post-qualification experience. In the latter case, a post-graduate diploma in Library Studies is an advantage.

32.) Library Assistant / Officer - Documentation / Library Services


Providing documentation services
Maintaining a data base of all outputs of the Institute and of relevant information.
Participating in conducting library research on legislative and other related matters.

Requirement / Qualification:

A good honours degree in Information or Computer Science or statistics plus at least 1-3 years post qualification experience.
A post graduate diploma in library science will be an advantage.
Or a Master’s degree in Library and Information Science or just Information Science, plus at least 3 years post qualification experience.

33.) Data and Documentation Officer


Providing documentation services
Maintaining a data base of all outputs of the institute and of relevant information
Participating in conducting library research on legislative and other related matters.
Sourcing legislative and other related documents and converting same into soft copies for easy storage and retrieval.
Assisting in the management of e-library and data bank.

Qualifications and Mode of Entry

A good honours degree in Information or Computer Science or Statistics plus at least 6 years post-qualification experience.
A post-graduate diploma in Library Studies will be an advantage.
Or a master’s degree in Library and Information Science or a master’s degree in Information Science plus at least 3 years post-qualification experience. In the latter case, a post-graduate diploma in Library Studies is an advantage.

Training Department

34.) Director


Conduct training needs assessment survey for the National and International sections, periodically.
Supervise, coordinate and evaluate the activities of the divisions in the training department
Coordinating networking and exchange programs with other Parliaments and International organizations
Coordinate development of training modules
Administration of training programs of the Institute.
Management of the department


A doctorate degree in relevant discipline plus at least 18 years post —Master’s degree research experience acquired in reputable research and/or training institutions
Research experience should also be manifested in at least 24 Publication in reputable National and International Journals and books in relevant fields

35.) Research Fellow I & II

There are two positions available; The International training (Foreign training & Networking) and National training (in-country training for NASS and SAs) divisions.


Organize training programmes for legislators, their staff and other stakeholders with in the country and outside the country
Conducting of training need assessment survey periodically
Ensuring that training programs are geared towards expected goals of improving the capacity of our Legislators
Participate in the administration/management of the department and marketing of training programmes.


A doctorate degree in relevant discipline plus at least 6-10 years post qualification cognate experience in training and Research
Strong evidence of Research and at least 5-8 publications in reputable National and International Journals.

36.) Assistant/Officer -Training


Designing and delivering training programmes
Initiating and implementing individual research project
Participating in group research
Other responsibilities that may be assigned.


A doctorate degree in a relevant discipline or a Master’s degree plus at least 6 years post-qualification experience.
Evidence of research activities and participation in training activities
A minimum of 1-3 years cognate experience.

Department of Legislative Practice and Procedure

36.) Director


Coordinate research and studies on topics related to legislative practice and procedure and constitutional matters.
Coordinate tracking and analysis of Bills.
Develop and maintain a databank of Bill and other chamber documents.
Coordinate drafting and scrutiny of Bills
Develop and implement training programs that would improve Chamber operation and Committee functions.
Collaborate with the Training Department to Implement the Institute’s Training Department


A minimum academic qualification of LLM, additional M.B A degree will be an advantage.
Minimum of 18 years Post-Master’s degree experience in relevant fields in either Corporate or Private sectors.
Research experience should be manifested in at least 24 publications in reputable National and International Journals and Books in relevant fields.

37.) Deputy Director (Two Positions)


Oversee and ensure that the process of procurement Act is appropriately followed
Undertake Bill Scrutiny
Supervise and Network with other subordinate officer


Minimum academic qualification of LLM with a strong background in legislative drafting
Minimum of 15 years post-Master’s degree experience in the relevant areas endorsed by the Institute and strong evidence and 18 publications in reputable national and internal journals, books and monographs.

Bills / Legislative Drafting Division

38.) Research Fellow I & Il - Bills and Legislative Drafting


Conduct research into all areas of Bill processing and analysis, Legislative practice and procedures
Operate a data bank for Bills and Acts of the National Assembly
Collaborate with the Training Department to Implement the Institute’s Training programme.
Provide assistance to members of the Legislature in the analysis of drafting of Bills


Minimum academic qualification of a Master’s degree in Law and other Research areas of interest to the Institute. PH.D will be accorded preference.
Graduate studies and experience in Legislative drafting is an advantage
Minimum of 6-10 years post Master’s degree research experience and some publications

39.) Research Assistant/Officer - Bills and Legislative Drafting


Assist the Research Fellow in conducting research assignments, questionnaires etc.
Assist in other Research tasks and duties and may be assigned by superior officers


Minimum academic qualification of L.L.B or any other relevant field that may be of Interest to the Institute.
One year post-qualification experience in relevant fields

Constitution and Legislative Procedure Division:

40.) Research Fellow I & II- Constitution and Legislative Procedure


Conduct necessary research into all areas of bill processing and analysis. Also, in Constitutional, Legislative practices and procedure
Carry out Constitutional analysis and provide assistance to members of the Legislature especially with Constitutional issues.


Minimum academic qualification of a Master’s Degree in Law from a recognized University, PHD will be accorded preference
Minimum of 6-10 years post Master’s degree research experience from either a private or public sector and some publications.

41.) Research Assistants - Constitution and Legislative Procedure (Two Positions)


Assist Research fellow in the Research process or other legislative processes and procedure.
Other tasks as may be assigned by superior officers or the Institute.
Assist in operating a data bank for bills and Acts of the National Assembly


Minimum qualification of an LL.B. degree from a recognized University is required.
Minimum of one year post-qualification experience in relevant fields.

Finance and Administration/Human Resources Department

42.) Director - Finance and Administration


Coordination of all the units in the Department through effective collaboration with the Managers.
Management of Staff matters relating to processing of appointments and promotion, skills and Training, approval of appointment and promotions, skills development and Training, Welfare, discipline, performance, evaluation and Channel of Communication
Ensuring effective and sound financial management
Ensuring compliance and adherence to internal control processes and procedure
Management, care and proper development of the facilities on the department.


Minimum academic qualification of a Master’s degree in areas which include but not limited to Accounting, Management, Finance, Human Resources, Business Management, Public Administration or any other related fields of specialization. A PH.D is accorded preference.
Minimum of 18 years post-Master’s degree research experience acquired in reputable research and Job training Institutions.
The Research experience should also be manifested in at least 24 Publications in reputable National and International Journals and books in relevant fields.

Administration /Human Resources Division

43.) Manager - Administration and Human Resources division.


Coordination of Staff matters relating to processing of appointments and promotion, skills and Training, approval of appointment and promotions, skills development and Training, Welfare, discipline, performance, evaluation and Channel of Communication

Requirements /Qualification:

Minimum of a Master’s degree in areas which include but not limited to Public Administration, Business Management, Human Resources Management, or any other related fields of specialization.
Minimum of 10 years post Master’s cognate experience. The experience should include holding Management positions

44.) Assistant Officer - Personnel Unit


Maintenance of Personnel records
Handle appointments and promotion matters
Analyze and apply data, and assist in preparing reports
Initiate the preparation of draft memoranda and speeches.


A Master’s degree from recognized University in related areas which includes but not limited to areas of Human resources, Business Management, Public administration etc.
Minimum of 1 - 3 years post degree experience in relevant areas.

45.) Assistant! Officer - Registry Unit


Keep proper records of all correspondence, official files, and other documents belonging to the Institute.
Record minutes and events of the Institute as may be assigned.


A minimum academic qualification of Master’s degree or its equivalent in areas of specialization, which includes but not limited to Secretarial studies, Library Studies, Business Management etc. From recognized Universities or Institutions and possess some post qualification experience.
Proficiency in short hand will be an added advantage

Accounts Division

45.) Manager - Accounts Division


Accurate, timely and effective management of all the accounting functions of the Institute
Management of the Institute’s bank accounts and inflow and outflow of funds
Ensure maintenance of all necessary books of accounts and proper records.
Advise management on accounting policies and practices.
Ensure the preparation of financial status reports as may be required from time to time.
Maintenance of appropriate financial systems, and implementing processes, procedures and controls to facilitate timely analysis and reports.


A good honours degree, not below second class lower division, in accounting or Higher National Diploma in Accounting from recognized tertiary Institution plus the professional diploma of the Association of National Accountants of Nigeria (ANAN OR ICAN).
Entry is by direct appointment of a candidate who possesses the requisite qualification plus 13 years post qualification experience.

46.) Accounts Officer - Final Accounts Unit


Preparation of annual and periodic financial statements as may be required by the management and for the purposes of audit
Maintaining and reconciling subsidiary accounts for deposits, advances and other accounts.
Carry out feasibility studies on the installation of computers and conveying approval for purchase of suitable accounting machines.
Taking charge of vote control and examining revenue collection to determine patterns and meeting forecasts.


A good honours degree, not below second class lower division, in accounting or Higher National Diploma in Accounting from recognized tertiary Institution plus the professional diploma of the Association of National Accountants of Nigeria (ANAN,ACCA, ICMA,CIPFA, ICPA OR ICAN).
A minimum of 5years cognate experience.

47.) Accounting Assistant - Final Accounts unit


Assist in Maintaining all the necessary books of accounts and proper records
Taking charge of receipts, disbursement and accounting for the Institute’s fund
Reconcile internal accounts of the Institute with monthly balances and rendering financial returns and reports.
Other tasks as may be requested by superior officers


A minimum of Bachelor’s degree or its equivalent in relevant areas, which includes but no limited to Accounting, Finance etc.
A minimum of 2 years post qualification experience in relevant areas.

48.) Accounts Assistant - Cash Office


Maintenance of all the necessary books of accounts and proper records.
Monitor cash-flow and ensuring that sufficient funds are always available in the relevant accounts to accommodate the Institute’s transactions.
Effecting payments


A good honours degree, not below second class lower division, in accounting or Higher National Diploma in Accounting from recognized tertiary Institution plus the professional diploma of the Association of National Accountants of Nigeria (ANAN, CIPFA, ICPA, ICMA, ACCA OR ICAN).

Minimum of 2 years of experience in relevant fields

49.) Officer - Budget Unit


Prepare annual budgets and Financial plans and monitoring of the implementation of Budgets
Gathering and interpreting economic data from multiple sources for the purpose of developing forecast for the Institute’s operations.
Performing other accounting/budget issues as may be assigned by superior officers.


A good honours degree, not below second class lower division, in accounting or Higher National Diploma in Accounting from recognized tertiary Institution plus the professional diploma of the Association of National Accountants of Nigeria (ANAN, C1PFA, ICPA, ICMA, ACCA OR ICAN).
A minimum of 3 years post-degree experience in relevant fields.

50.) Accounts Assistant - Budget Unit


Assist Superior officers in the Budget unit with Budget preparation and analysis
Assist/complete any other tasks or duties as may be directed by the Institute through Superior officers.


A minimum academic requirement of a Bachelor’s degree in related areas, which includes but not limited to Accounting, Banking! Finance, Business Administration from a recognized University or Institute.
A minimum of one year post-qualification experience in relevant fields.

51.) Assistant Officer - Store Unit


Maintenance and record keeping of stock and inventory of operations and activities in the Store.
General management of the Institute’s store Unit.


A good honors degree not lower than a second class lower division in related areas, which includes but not limited to Management, Economics, Business Administration from a recognized University or Institute.
A minimum 2 years post degree experience in relevant areas

Procurement and Supply Division

52.) Manager - Procurement and Supplies


Administration of the procurement and Supplies division
Organization and management of procurement and supply processes, including: Sourcing, supplier and contract management, materials management, purchase requisitioning/ordering; goods receipt and distribution.
Ensuring compliance with the public procurement Act.


A minimum academic qualification of a Master’s degree in relevant areas, which include but not limited to Business Administration, Management, Marketing, Purchasing and Supply, Logistics from a recognized University or Institute.
Minimum of 13 years post - Master’s cognate experience

53.) Assistant / Officer - Procurement and Supplies


Development of strategies and application of approaches that support effective procurement outcomes
Ensure compliance with the Public Procurement Act
Other responsibilities as may be assigned by superior officers/management.


A minimum academic qualification of a Master’s degree in relevant areas, which include but not limited to Business Administration, Management, Marketing,
Purchasing and Supply, Logistics from a recognized University or Institute. Or Equivalent qualification.
A minimum of 3 years post degree experience in relevant fields.

54.) Assistant Officer - Procurement and Supplies


Assist superior officers in the department to execute procurement strategies.
Keep procurement records
Participate in preliminary procurement activities
Complete other asks and duties as may be directed by the Institute through Superior officers.


A minimum academic requirement of a Bachelor’s degree in related areas, which include but not limited to Business Administration, Economics, Management, Marketing, Purchasing and Supply, Logistics from a recognized University or Institute. Or Equivalent qualification.
A minimum of 3 year post-qualification experience in related fields.

Assets and Maintenance Division

55.) Manager - Assets and Maintenance


Coordination and Inspection of maintenance and operations in the Institute
Ensure proper logistics operations of the Institute
Maintain a fleet of official vehicles of the Institute.
Liaise with Assets and maintenance management vendors on behalf of the Institute
Obtain and maintain a record of credible and accredited maintenance vendors of outsourced jobs.
Ensure the maintenance of Assets Register for the Institute


A minimum of a Master of Science degree in Building Technology, Civil or Electrical Engineering from any recognized University is preferred.
Corporate membership of the Nigerian Institute of Builders (MNIOB)
A minimum of 13 years post degree experience in relevant fields.

56.) Assistant / Officer - Assets and Maintenance


Maintain an asset register for the Institute
Maintain a schedule of maintenance services of all equipment
Assist in preparing cost estimates and tender documents for projects to be executed.
Others tasks and duties as may be requested or directed by superior officers or the Institute.


Minimum academic requirement of a Bachelor’s degree, not lower than second class lower division in Civil or Electrical Engineering or such other qualifications accept able to the Council of Registered Engineers of Nigeria (COREN).
Or a good honors degree, not lower than second class lower division, in Building or Building Technology from a recognized University or their equivalent, which is equally acceptable to the Council of Registered Builders of Nigeria.
Minimum of 1-3 year Post-qualification experience in relevant fields

Application Deadline
17th January, 2012

Method of Application
All applications should be directed to the Director General through:
or P.M.B 123, Garki GPO, Abuja, FCT 900001.

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