Thursday, December 8, 2011

University of Abuja Massive Jobs

University of Abuja - Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified candidates to fill the under-listed vacancies in the following Departments/ Units of the University:

Academic & Non - Academic Staff Vacancies

A.) Academic Staff Vacancies


Departments / Vacancies
i. Chemical Pathology virtuous - Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I
ii. Medical Microbiology - Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I
iii. Haematology/Blood Transfusion - Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I
iv. Pharmacology - Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I
v. Community Medicine - Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I
vi. Surgery
a. General Surgery - Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I
b. Orthopaedic Surgery - Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I
c. Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) - Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I
vii. Internal Medicine - Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I
viii. Anatomical Sciences - Senior Lecturer
ix. Human Physiology - Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I
x. Medical Biochemistry - Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I
xi. Pathology - Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I
xii. Paediatdcs - Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I.
xiii. Obstetrics & Gynaecology - Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I
xiv. Ophthalmology - Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I
xv. Nursing Science - Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I


Departments / Vacancies:

Agric Economics and Extension
i. Agric Extension & Rural Sociology - Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II
ii. Agricultural Economics - Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II
iii. Animal Science - Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I,
iv. Crop Science - Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Asst. Lecturer
v. Soil Science - Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II


Departments / Vacancies:
a. English and Literary Studies - Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II
b. History - Assoc. Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II
c. Linguistics and African Languages
i. Linguistics - Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II
ii. Arabic - Professor, Assoc Prof., Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II
d. Philosophy and Religious Studies
i. Philosophy - Professor, Assoc Prof., Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Asst. Lecturer
ii. Christian Religious Studies - Professor, Assoc Prof., Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Asst. Lecturer
iii. Islamic Religious Studies - Professor, Assoc Prof., Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Asst. Lecturer.
e. Theatre Arts - Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Asst. Lecturer


Departments / Vacancies:
a. Counselling and Educational Psychology - Senior Lecturer
b. Educational Management - Professor
c. Science and Environmental Education - Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Asst. Lecturer
d. Arts & Social Science Education - Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I


Departments / Vacancies:
a. Chemical Engineering - Professor, Associate Professor, Lecturer I, Lecturer II
b. Civil Engineering - Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II
c. Electrical/Electronics Engineering - Professor, Assoc. Prof, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II
d. Mechanical Engineering - Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II


Departments / Vacancies:
a. Public and International Law - Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I
b. Private and Islamic Law - Professor, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I


Departments / Vacancies:
a. Accounting - Professor, Associate Professor
b. Banking & Finance - Prof, Assoc. Prof., Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Asst. Lecturer
c. Business Administration - Assoc. Prof., Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II
d. Public Administration - Prof, Assoc. Prof., Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Asst. Lecturer


Departments / Vacancies:
a. Political Science - Prof, Assoc. Prof., Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Asst. Lecturer
b. Sociology - Prof, Assoc. Prof., Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Asst. Lecturer
c. Economics - Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Asst. Lecturer
d. Geography, Urban & Regional Planning - Prof, Assoc. Prof., Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I


Departments / Vacancies:
a. Biological Sciences
i. Biology - Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Asst. Lecturer
ii. Micro Biology - Prof, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Asst. Lecturer
iii. Zoology - Prof, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Asst. Lecturer
iv. Botany - Prof, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Asst. Lecturer
b. Chemistry
i. Physical, Organic and industrial Chemistry - Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer
ii. Applied Chemistry - Assoc. Prof., Lecturer II
c. Computer Science - Prof, Assoc. Prof., Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Asst. Lecturer
d. Mathematics - Prof, Assoc. Prof., Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Asst. Lecturer
e. Physics
i. Solid State Physics - Assoc. Prof., Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Asst. Lecturer
ii. Theoretical Physics - Assoc. Prof., Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Asst. Lecturer
iii. Geo-Physics - Assoc. Prof., Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II, Asst. Lecturer
iv. Atmospheric Physics - Lecturer I, Lecturer II
f. Statistics - Prof, Assoc. Prof., Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Asst. Lecturer


Departments / Vacancies:
a. Anatomy - Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I
b. Physiology / Biochemistry - Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II
c. Parasitology And Entomology - Professor, Senior Lecturer
d. Pathology - Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II
e. Microbiology - Professor, Senior Lecturer
f. Veterinary Teaching Hosp (Resident Doctors)
g. Animal Health and Production - Professor, Senior Lecturer
h. Medicine - Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II
i. Theriogenelogy - Professor, Senior Lecturer
j. Public Health and Preventive Medicine - Professor, Senior Lecturer
k. Surgery - Professor, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I, Lecturer II

General Requirements/Qualifications

a) Applicants to the post of Senior Lecturer and above must:
i. Possess a Doctorate degree in the relevant field
ii. Have sound knowledge in teaching and research experience in a university of not less than 6 (six) years for Senior Lecturer, and 12 (twelve) years for Professor.

b) Applicants must have substantial scholarly publications in reputable academic journals, and registration with relevant professional bodies where necessary e.g COREN, Teachers Registration Council etc. Applicants for positions of Professor must in addition demonstrate ability to initiate, develop and sustain research projects and basic experience in working wh groups, and provide academic leadership.

c) Candidates for any of the positions in College of Health Sciences must possess a good MBBS degree from a recognized university and fellowship of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria or West African College of Physicians and Surgeons or their equivalent Sound academic qualifications (MSc/MD) for teaching in a university or similar institution will be added advantage.

d) Applicants for the position of senior lecturer and above in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine must possess DVM, MSc and PhD degrees in veterinary Medicine, and in addition be registered with the Vetenary Council of Nigeria (VCON).
e) Applicants for the position of Assistant Lecturer, Lecturer I, and Lecturer l must possess a minimum of Masters degree (not MBA, MPA, MPhil) in the relevant field and three (3) years teaching experience in a university or similar institution. However, candidates for lecturer II position with Doctorate degree in the relevant field will be given preference. Applicants for lecturer without Doctorate degree require six (6) years teaching and research experience.


Professor (CONUASS 7, N2,485,099.00 - N3,209,140.00 P/A)
Associate Professor (CONUASS 6, N2,053,124,00 - N2,684,096.00 P/A)
Senior Lecturer (CONUASS 5, N1, 653,415.00 - N2, 348,299.00 P/A)
Lecturer I (CONUASS 4, N11 22,751,00 - N1,444,536.00 P/A)
Lecturer II (CONUASS 3, N897, 50100 - N1,074,314.00 P/A)
Assistant Lecturer (CONUASS 2, N794,280.0O - N957,402,00 P/A)


i. Deputy librarian (CONUASS 6, N2,053,124.00 —N2,684,096.00 P/A)
Candidates must possess a Ph.D in the library and Information Science with at least 12 years teaching and research experience in a university or equivalent institution. Candidates are also required to have substantial scholarly publications in reputable journals, ability to initiate, develop and sustain research projects. In addition, candidates should have some experience in working with groups and provide academic leadership.

ii. Senior Librarian (CONUASS 5, N1,653,415.00 - N2,348,299.00 P/A)
The same academic requirements as in one (i) above, but with at least eight (8) years teaching and research experience in addition to substantial relevant publications in learned journals.

iii. librarian I (CONUASS 4, N1,1 22,751.00 - N1,444,536,00 P/A)
The same as in (i) above but with three (3) years teaching and research experience. Candidates without Doctorate degree must have a minimum of six (6) years experience in addition to some relevant publications in learned journal.

iv. Librarian Il (CONUASS 3, N897, 501.00 - N1,074,314,00 P/A)
A Doctorate or Master’s degree in the relevant field with three (3) years teaching/research experience.
v. Assistant librarian (CONUASS 2, N794, 280.00 - N957, 402 .00 P/A) Applicants must possess a Masters degree in the relevant field.

Candidates for i-v above must e registered with the relevant professional bodies.


A. Faculty of Agriculture
i. Senior Technologist (CONUSSS 9, N777,984.0O - N1,1 31 ,610,00 P/A)
ii. Technologist II (CONUSSS 7, N777, 984.00 - NI, 131,610.00 P/A)
iii. Senior Technical Officers (CONUSSS8,N671,747.00 - N998,031.00 P/A)
iv. Higher Technical Officer (CONUSSS 7, N579,391,00 - N998,031.00 PIA)
v. Studio Supervisor/Lighting/Editor/Cameraman (CONUSSS 6, N575,391 .00 - N857,305.00 P/A)

B. Faculty of Engineering
I. Chief Technologist (CONUSSS 13, N1,445,599.00 - N1,908,855.00 P/A)
ii. Senior Technologist (CONUSSS 9, N777,984.O0 - N1,1 31 ,610.00 P/A)
iii. Technologist I (CONUSSS 8, N671 ,747.00 - N998,031.00 P/A)
iv. Technologist II (CONU 5557, N579,391.00- N998,031 .00 P/A))
v. Technical Officer/Technician II (CONUSSS 6, N362,757.00 - N551,043.00 P/A)

C. Theatre Arts
i. Technologist I (Theatre lighting) (CONUSSS 8. N671, 747.00 - N998, 031.00 P/A)

General Requirements:

i. All applicants must possess a good degree& HND/ND/AIST or ANIST in the relevant field from a recognized Institution and registration with the relevant Professional Association.
ii. Candidates for the post of Chief Technologist must in addition possess good knowledge of managing the various Laboratories/Workshops, support research activities and provide administrative leadership and have at least fifteen (15) years working experience, five (5) of which must be in a University or comparable institution. Possession of relevant Postgraduate certificate will be an added advantage.
iii. Candidates for the post of Senior Technologist must in addition to the basic qualification in (i) above, have a minimum of six (6) years for degree holders and eight (8) years for HND holders with relevant working experience.
iii. Candidates for positions in the Faculty of Engineering registered with COREN are at an advantage.



1. Deputy Registrar (CONUSSS 14: N1,820, 908.00 - N2,381,772.00 P/A)
Candidates must possess a good degree preferably in the Humanities, Law, Social Sciences or Management Sciences plus fifteen (15) years continuous cognate experience, six (6) years of which must have been spent in a University. Registration with any of these Professional Administrative Associations (ICA, ANUPA, NIM, C1PM, etc) is mandatory. Candidates must also possess the ability to know, interpret and apply University Rules and ReguIating as well as the Public Service Rules and Regulations. Evidence of effective job planning, staff management and control, good human relations plus high sense of responsibility are essential.

2. Principal Assistant Registrar (CONIJSSS 13: N1,445,599.00 - N1,908,855.00 P/A)
Same as in (1) above but with twelve (12) years cognate experience, four (4) years of which must be in a University.

3. Senior Assistant Registrar (CONUSSS 11: N973,305,00 - N1,375,535.00 P/A)
Same as in (1) above but with nine (9) years cognate experience.

4. Assistant Registrar (CONUSSS 9: N777,984.00 - N1,31,610.00 P/A)
Candidates must possess a good honours degree as in (1) above plus six (6) years cognate experience and satisfactory knowledge of University Rules and Regulations as well as the Public Service rules and Regulations.

5. Administrative Officer (CONUSSS 8: N671,747.00 N998,031.00 P/A)
Same as in (4) above but with three (3) years cognate experience, in addition candidates must have good command of English Language, both oral and written.

6. Administrative Assistant (CONUSSS 7: N579,391 .00 - N 998,305.00 P/A)
Same as in (5) above but post NYSC experience is required.

7. Higher Executive Officer (CONUSSS 7: N 579,391.00 - N 857,305.00 P/A)
Candidates must possess a degree or HND in the Humanities, or ND plus (4) years cognate experience.
(i) Confidential Secretary II (CONUSSS 7: N 579,391.00 - N 8573O5.00 P/A)
Candidates must possess the same qualification as in (7) above with 60/120 WPM in Shorthand and Typewriting or BSc /HND in Secretarial Studies/Administration. Candidates with NCE/ND require four (4) years cognate experience. Candidates must be computer literate.
(ii) Confidential Secretary III (CONUSSS 6: N 362,757.00 - N 551,043.00 P/A)
Candidates must have full Secondary School Education with a minimum of four credits including English language in addition to possession of 50/100 WPM in Shorthand and Typewriting or NCE/ND in Secretarial Studies/Administration. Candidates must also be computer literate.


1. Deputy Bursar (CONUSSS 14: N1,820,908.00 — N21381,772.00 P/A)
Candidates must posses either B.Sc or HND Accounting plus full registration with either of the Professional bodies (ACA, ACCA, ANAN, ACMA, ICMA, ICPA) and possess a Postgraduate training in the relevant field. In addition candidates must have fifteen (15) years cognate experience, five (5) years of which must be in a University. Candidates must have the ability to know, interpret and apply University Financial Rules and Regulations as well as Public Service Rules and Regulations Applicants must demonstrate ability to provide good leadership.

2. Principal Accountant (CONUSSS 11: N973,305.00 - N 1,375,535,00 P/A)
Same as (1) above but candidates must possess a minimum of nine (9) years cognate experience.

3. Senior Accountant (CONUSSS 9: N777,984.O0 - N1,31,610.00 P/A)
Same as (1) above but candidates must have a minimum of six (6) years cognate experience

4. Accountant I (CONUSSS 8: N671,747.00 - N998,031.00 P/A)
Same as (1) above but candidates with B.Sc degree in Accounting without professional qualification must have three (3) years cognate experience. This is an entry point for applicants with full registration with ANAN, ACCA, ACMA, ICPA etc.

5. Accountant II (CONUSSS 7: N 579,391.00 - N 857,305.00 P/A)
Candidates must possess B.Sc Accounting from a recognized institution.

6. Higher Executive Officer [Accounts] (CONUSSS 7: N 579,391.00 - N 857,305.00 P/A)
Candidates must possess B.Sc / HND Accounting or ND plus four (4) years cognate experience.

7. Executive Officer [Accounts] (CONUSSS 6 N 362,757,00 - N 551,043.00 P/A)
Candidates must possess ND Accounting and/or Auditing from a recognized institution.


1. Chief Library Officer (CONUSSS 13: N 1,445,599.00 - N1,908,855.O0 P/A)
Candidates must possess a minimum of HND or degree in Library and Information Science (BLIS) plus a minimum of fifteen (15) years cognate experience four (4) years of which must be in a University or comparable Institution. Candidates must be registered with the relevant professional association, and possess sound Knowledge in Library and Information Science, and coordinate library services in general. Applicants must demonstrate sound knowledge of University Rules and Regulations, ability to develop a Library Policy for the University and to provide leadership. Possession of Postgraduate training in the relevant field is an added advantage.

2. Assistant Chief Library Officer (CONUSSS 12: N 1,075,353.00 - N1,508,373.0O P/A)
Same as (1) above but with twelve (12) years cognate experience, three (3) of which must be in a University or comparable institution.

3. Principal Library Officer I (CONUSSS 11: N973,305.00 - N1,375,535.00 P/A)
Same as (1) above but with nine (9) years cognate experience.

4. Principal Library Officer II (CONUSSS 9: N777,984.00 - N1,31,610.00 P/A)
Same as (1) above but with eight (8) years cognate experience or ND plus a minimum of twelve (12) years cognate experience.

5. Senior Library Officer (CONUSSS 8: N671,747.00 - N998,031.00 P/A)
Candidates must possess a good degree/HND in Library & Information Science and a minimum of four (4) years cognate experience or ND plus a minimum of eight (8) years cognate experience.

6. Higher Library Officer (CONUSSS 7: N 579,391 00 - N 857,305,00 P/A)
Candidates must possess a good degree/HND in Library & Information Science or ND plus a minimum of four (4) years cognate experience.

7. Library Officer (CONUSSS 6: N 362,757.00 - N 551,043.00 P/A)
Candidates must possess good ND in Library& Information science from a recognized institution.


i. Engineer I (Electrical) (CONUSSS 8: N671,74700 - N998,031.00 P/A)
Applicants must have B.Sc/B.Tech/B.Eng/HND in Electrical Engineering from a recognized university. Candidates must have a minimum of three (3) years cognate experience and be registered vith COREN. HND candidates registered with COREN must have a minimum of two (2) years post registration cognate experience.
ii. Engineer I (Civil/Structure) (CONUSSS 2: N671,747.00 - N998,031.00 P/A)
Same as in (i) above but with B.Sc/B.Tech/B.Eng/HND in Civil Engineering.


i. Engineer I (Electrical) (CONUSSS 8: N671,747.0O - N998,031.00 P/A)
Applicants must possess BSc/B.Tech/B.Eng in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University plus, three (3) years cognate experience, with knowledge of Power Systems, Electrical Installations and Building Services and be registered with COREN. HND candidates registered with COREN must have a minimum of two (2) years post registration cognate experience.

ii. Engineer I (Civil) (CONUSSS 8: N671,747.00 - N998,031.O0 P/A)
Same as in (I) above but with BSc/B.Tech/B.Eng/HND in Civil Engineering.
iii. Technical Officers
a. Higher Technical Officers (Electrical, Civil, Architecture, Quantity Survey & Mechanical) (CONUSSS 7)
b. Technical Officer (Electrical, Electronic, Telecom, Mechanical, Welding & Fabrication, R and A) -
(CONUSSS 6: N 362,757.00 - N 551,043,00 P/A)
For each of the positions in (a),(b)above, candidates must possess a good B.Sc/HND in the relevant field from a recognized institution or ND with at least four (4) years cognate experience and a good knowledge of maintenance of equipment, buildings and services. Registration as Technologist/Technicians with COREN is an added advantage.
For the positions (a) above, candidates must possess a minimum of ND in the relevant field from a recognized Institution.


1. Principal Medical Officer II (CONUSSS 13: N1,445,599.00 - N1, 908,855.00 P/A)
Candidates must have a good MBBS degree from a recognized institution with at least eight (8) years cognate experience. In addition, candidates must have registered postgraduate degree in Public Health, Community Health, and Family Medicine or General Medicine and also possess good leadership qualities.
Full registration with the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria is mandatory.

2. Medical Officer (CONUSSS 10: N871,729.00-1,375,535.00 P/A)
The same as one (1) above, but candidates require post NYSC experience and full registration with the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria.

3. Principal Pharmacist (CONUSSS 11: N913,305.00 - N1, 375,535.00 P/A)
Candidates must possess a good degree in Pharmacy, be registered with the Pharmacists Council of Nigeria and six (6) years cognate experience. Candidates must also possess good knowledge of drug procurement, compounding and leadership skills. Relevant post graduate in pharmacy will be an added advantage.

4. Chief Nursing Officer (CONUSSS 13: N1, 445,599.00 - N1,908,855.00 P/A)
Candidates must possess dual qualification of Registered Nurse and Registered Midwife with a minimum of sixteen (16) years post qualification cognate experience eight (8) of which must be in a University and 4 years as Assistant Chief Nursing Officer. Candidates must have additional postgraduate training in Public Health or Community Nursing and demonstrate sound knowledge in University Rules and Regulations and provide leadership.

5. Nursing Officer II (CONUSSS 7: N 579,391.00 - N 857,305.00 P/A)
Candidates must possess the same qualification as in (4) above with four (4) years cognate experience.
6. Principal Medical Laboratory Scientist (Haematology) (CONUSSS 11: N973, 395.00 - N1,375,535.00 P/A)
Candidates must possess Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Science (BMLS) degree with specialty in Haematology and registered with the Medical Laboratory Science Council of Nigeria and a minimum of twelve (12) years post qualification experience which must be in a University. Relevant Post graduate qualification is an added advantage.

7. Pharmacy Technician (CONUSSS 6: N 362,157.00 - N 551,043.00 P/A)
Candidates must possess Pharmacy Technician Certificate and 4 years cognate experience.
8. Medical Records Officer (CONUSSS 7: N 579,391.00 - N 857,305.00 P/A)
Candidates must possess HND in Medical records and 4 years cognate experience


1. Senior Education Officer in the following areas:
General Mathematics
Further Mathematics
English Language

2. Education Officer I in the following areas:
Financial Accounting
Guidance & Counselling

3. Education Officer II In the following areas:
Agric Science
Islamic Religious Studies
Christian Religious Studies
Health Science
Food and Nutrition
Home Management
Fine Arts
Technical Drawing
Business Studies

4. Principal Education Assistant in the following areas:
Physical & Health Education
Creative Arts
Civic Education
Agric Science
Home Economics


1. Chief Education Officer
Educational Administration and planning

2. Principal Education Officer
Educational Administration and Planning

3. Master/Mistress II in the following areas:
Agric Science

4. Master/Mistress lii in the following area:
Physical & Health Education


1. Chief Education Officer (CONUSSS 13: N1, 445,599.00 - N1, 908,855.00 P/A)
Candidates must possess B.Sc (Ed) B Ed in the relevant field plus a minimum of fifteen (15) years cognate teaching experience. Candidates must possess sound knowledge in teaching and demonstrate leadership ability in Educational Management and Planning. Possession of Postgraduate training in Education Management and Planning is an advantage. Candidates must be registered with the Teachers Registration Council (TRC).

2. Principal Education Officer (CONUSSS 11: N973, 305.00 - N1, 375,535.00 P/A)
Same as in (1) above plus 12 years cognate experience.

3. Senior Education Officer (CONUSSS 9: N777,984.00 - N1,31,610.OO P/A)
Candidates must posses B.Sc (Ed), B.Ed in the relevant Field plus at least six (6) years cognate experience or NCE plus at least twelve (12) years cognate experience. Post graduate training in the relevant field is an added advantage and possess sound Knowledge in Teaching Educational Administration and Planning

5. Education Officer I (CONUSSS 11: N973, 305,00 - N 1, 375,535.00 P/A)
Same as in (1) above plus three (3) years cognate experience for first degree holders and eight (8) years for NCE holders.

6. Education Officer Ill Master/Mistress II (CONUSSS 6: N 362,757.00 - N 551,043.00 P/A)
Same as in (1) above but NCE holders require four (4) years cognate experience.

7. Principal Education Assistant! Master/Mistress III (CONUSSS 6 N 362,757 00 - N 551,043 00 P/A)
Same as in (1) above but Candidates must possess the National Certificate of Education (NCE).

i. Coach I (CONUSSS 8: N671 ,747.OO - N998,031 .00 P/A)
ii Coach II (CONUSSS 7: N 579 391 00 - N 857,305 00 P/A)
iii. Assistant Coach (CONUSSS 6: N 362,75700 - N 551,04300 P/A)
iv. Counsellor II (CONUSSS 7: N 579,391.00 - N 857,305.00 P/A)


1. Coach I (CONUSSS 8: N671,747.00 - N998,031 .00 P/A)
Candidates must possess a good degree in Physical and Health Education plus three (3) years cognate experience or NCE/ND in the relevant field plus Eight (8) years cognate experience. In addition, candidates must possess technical skills and administrative ability in Sports Management and Administration, and be able to develop a sports policy and co-ordinate sporting activities for the University. Possession of Certificate of the National Institute of Sports (NIS) will bean added advantage.

2. Coach II (CONUSSS 7: N 579,391.00 - N 857,305.00 P/A)
The same as (1) above plus four (4) years experience for NCE/ND holders, but this is an entry point for post NYSC graduates.

3. Assistant Coadn (CONUSSS 6: N 362,757.00 - N 551,043,09 P/A)
The basic qualification is NCE/ND in the relevant field.

4. Counsellor II (CON USS 7: N 579,391.00 - N 857,305.00 P/A)
Candidates must possess a good B.Sc/B.Ed degree in Guidance and Counselling from a recognized University.


1. Senior Internal Auditor (CONUSSS 9: N777,984.00 - N1,31,610.00 P/A)
Candidates must possess a good B.Sc degree or HND in the relevant field plus full professional qualifications (ACA, ACCA, CAN, ANAN, ICMA etc) and a minimum of six (6) years cognate experience. Candidates must have the ability to undertake investigations, independent Audits, write reports in lucid English, capability to control and supervise staff and be conversant with University and Stores Regulations.

2. Auditor II (CONUSSS 1: N 579,391,00 - N 857,305.00 P/A)
Same as (1)above and post NYSC experience.

3. Higher Executive Officer (Audit) (CONUSSS 7: N 579,391.00 - N 857,305.00 P/A)
Candidates must possess B.Sc/HND Accounting or ND plus four (4) years cognate experience.

4. Executive Officer (Audit) (CONUSSS 6: N 362,757.00 - N 551,043.00 P/A)
Candidates must possess ND Accounting and/or Auditing from a recognized Institution.


1. Chief Secunty Officer (CONUSSS 13: N1, 445,599.00 - N1, 908,855.00 P/A)
2. Assistant Chief Sec6rityOfficer (CONUSSS 12: N 1,075,353.00 - N1,508,373.00 P/A)

1. Chief Security Officer (CONUS5S 13; N1, 445,599.00 - N1, 908,855.00 P/A)
Candidates must possess a degree in Law, Social Sciences or related discipline plus fifteen (15) years cognate experience or have retired on the rank of Commissioner of Police or equivalent in the Military or Security Services. Candidates must demonstrate qualities of a trustworthy and dependable leader who can evolve a Security Policy for the University and operate a virile security Unit Candidate must possess ability to promptly manage crisis situations and organize security community relations activities aimed at enhancing peace within the University. Applicants mu have sound knowledge of University Rules and Regulations. Postgraduate training in the relevant field plus good know edge in Security intelligence is an added advantage.

2. Assistant Chief Security Officer (CONUSSS 12: N 1,075,353.00 - N1,508,373.00 P/A)
Same as in (1) above but with twelve (12) years cognate experience or ND plus sixteen (16) years experience. Candidates who retired as Deputy Commissioner of Police or equivalent rank in the Military or Security Services are eligible.


1. Senior Computer Enqineer (CONUSSS 9: N777,984.O0 - N1,31,610.00 P/A)
Applicants must possess B.Sc/B.Tech/B.Eng in the relevant field from a recognized University. Candidates must have a minimum of Six (6) years cognate experience or a Post Graduate degree plus a minimum of three (3) years cognate experience. HND candidates Registered with COREN must have a minimum of five (5) years post registration cognate experience. Candidates with appropriate certification in the following will have an advantage: Network design &Troubleshooting, Structural cabling, wireless Networking, IP addressing, IPV6,VLAN implementation & management (Routing & Protocols), Application Programs and Network integration.

2. Computer Engineer I (CONUSSS 8: N671,747.00 - N998,031.00 P/A)
Same as (1) above but with Three (3) years cognate experience.

3. Principal Systems Analyst (CONUSSS 11: N973, 305.00 - N1, 375,535.00 P/A)
Candidates must possess a minimum of a Post Graduate degree in the relevant field from a recognized University, plus a minimum of six (6) years cognate experience. Candidate must also have the ability to effectively supervise others and demonstrate ability to provide leadership.

4. Senior Programmer/Analyst (CONUSSS 9: N777, 984.00 - N1, 31,610.00 P/A)
Same as in (1) above but certifications and knowledge of advantage must include JAVA, Linux, LAMP, MySQI, Apache, JAVA Script, Linux OS, Server Setup & Configuration, Network monitoring & management, Configuration & Installation of hybrid software and Web Systems, and Using SQUID/LIGHT SQUID

5. Systems Analyst I (CONUSSS 8: N671, 747.00 - N998,031.00 P/A)
Same as in (3) above but with a minimum of Three (3) years cognate experience.

6. Systems Analyst II (CONUSSS 7: N 579,391.00 - N 857,305.00 P/A)
Same as in (3) above Candidates with a good B,Sc degree in the relevant field are eligible.

All candidates must possess NYSC Discharge Certificate or Exemption Certificate or Certificate of Exclusion
ii. Salaries and allowances attached to the various ranks listed above are the same with the approved Salary Scheme for Federal Universities in Nigeria,
iii. Candidates who are awaiting result may not be considered and need not apply.

3rd January, 2012

Applicants should forward their applications and detailed Curriculum Vitae stating: Date of Birth (not Age), Marital Status, State of Origin, LG.A., Mobile Telephone Number, Email Address, Academic Qualifications, Experience in Teaching and Research, Publications (if any), the names of three Referees and their addresses.
Candidates are to submit fifteen (15) copies each of their application Curriculum Vitae and other relevant Credentials in an envelope which should have the position applied for, clearly indicated on its top left hand corner.
Applicants should also request their Referees to send reports on them, under confidential cover, direct to the Registrar, The Referees should also be informed to indicate the positions and departments applied for.
Application must reach the address below, not later 3rd January, 2012.

University of Abuja
P.MB 117, Abuja.

Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be invited for interview.
M. B. Modibbo

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