Thursday, December 31, 2015

President Muhammadu Buhari first Presidential Media Chat

President Muhammadu Buhari held his first Presidential Media Chat on Wednesday fielding questions about some of the key issues in the country from the whereabouts of the Chibok girls, the Nigerian Army-Shiites clash and pressure to devalue the naira.
Here are some key comments by the President:

On the clash between Shi’ites and the Nigerian Army in Zaria and his silence
i. I have allowed the army and the Kaduna State government to come up with their reports before I come out to speak on the clash. This does not mean that the police and the DSS are not doing their part.
ii. The situation in Zaria is very serious… How can one group create a state within a state?
On the state of tertiary institutions
I don’t like the idea of University students sitting on windows to receive lectures.
On whether he actually promised to pay unemployed youths N5,000
I cannot come here and deny that.
Foreign exchange restrictions
I. We need power, railways, roads… These are our priorities; not people looking for money to bring in rice (to the country).
II.Foreign exchange will be made available to the productive sector of the economy and not for luxury items.
On calls for the devaluation of the naira
I need to be convinced about devaluing the naira.
On asset declaration
I declared my assets four times… I don’t have to ask them (Code of Conduct Bureau) to give you the asset declaration… You have a constitutional right to the documents.
On the continued bomb attacks in parts of the North-East
I. The Hijab will have to be banned if this (the suicide bombing) continues.
On the debate about fuel subsidy
By the end of the next quarter, we will not be talking about subsidy. How much is the price of
fuel (in the international market) now?
Reported plans by the National Assembly to spend billions on cars
I cannot see the National Assembly spending N45bn to buy cars on top of the transport allowance they collect.
On the pace of the anti-corruption war
I. Our major constraint is that accused person must go to court first and under such circumstances, we cannot prejudge what the courts will do but there are documents and how the government will react through the Ministry of Justice will determine what we will do because what we are going so we cannot determine issues while they are still in court.
II. If any member of my cabinet is corrupt, I will sack the person.
III. Members of the cabinet are supposed to declare their assets.
On whether funds have been recovered from looters
I. Money has been recovered but the fact that whatever we recover will end up in court because Nigerians will always want to know the truth and the truth will be what the courts have discovered by the submission made to them in terms of bank statements where money was recovered, where money was lodged, when it was lodged, how it was lodged whether it was money from petrol, customs and excise or money directly from the Central Bank. When we do that I think Nigerians will feel a bit better.
II. It is a very nasty situation that we are in, but we cannot fold our hands and not do anything; we are doing our best.
Chibok girls
We are keeping our options open. We are prepared to negotiate with Boko Haram for the girls… There is no firm intelligence where those girls physically are and what conditions they are in but what we learnt from our intelligence is that they (terrorists) kept on shifting them around so that they are not taken by surprise and they get freed. And a whole lot of them are not in one place and we don’t know how many divisions they have and where they are. There is no intelligence to say that the girls are alive and in one place. That is the honest truth.
On the agitation for Biafra over alleged marginalisation
We have Boko Haram and then Biafra. Help me define the extent of marginalisation. Who is marginalising them? Why? How? Do you know? … The constitution said there must be a minister from each state. Who is the Minister of Petroleum? Is he not Igbo? Who is the Governor of Central Bank? Is he not Igbo? Who is the Minister of Labour? Who is the Minister of Science and Technology? Who is the junior minister of education?
On the continued detention of suspected looters and alleged violation of court orders by the DSS
You can see the type atrocities that those people committed against soldiers and the country. The former president goes to the governor of the Central Bank and say, ‘give N40bn to so, so, so… And then he fails to account for it and you allow him to go and see his daughter in London while and you have two million people in IDPs, half of them don’t even know their parents. Which kind of country do you want to run?
And the one you are calling Kanu. Do you know he has two passports – one Nigerian, one British – and he came to this country without any passport?… There are criminal allegations against him and I hope the court will listen to the case.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Wonders of Egg Shell

Egg’s shell is a natural source of minerals and contains 90% calcium. Calcium is easily absorbed by our body because its chemical composition is almost identical to human’s teeth and bones. 

If consumed in larger amounts, calcium will not only get rid of lack of calcium-symptoms, but it will also prevent osteoporosis’ development, stimulate the bone marrow in producing blood cells and help when it comes to treating high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.
Egg shell also contains iron, zinc, copper, manganese, fluorine, phosphorus, chromium and molybdenum. Therefore, many experts recommend shell eggs as a natural and very effective calcium supplement.
It is recommended to enter 1.5 to 3 grams of crushed shells a day.
Here are several ideas on how to use egg shell and what to use them for:
1. Strengthening the organism and cleansing the blood
Wash 5 egg shells, crush them good and put them in 3 liters of water. Keep this mixture in the refrigerator for 7 days before using it as a drinking water. Drink two to three glasses of this mixture a day. You can add lemon juice if you want to.
2. Thyroid gland
Take 8 egg shells, wash them good and crush them even better. Pour juice of 2 lemons over the crushed egg shells and leave in refrigerator for several days. When shell will soften, strain the liquid and mix it with 1 liter of rakia and 1 kg of honey. Let this mixture stand still for 7 days before using it. Consume one teaspoon two to four times per day after meals.
3. Gastritis, ulcer
Crush some egg shells. Pick some using the tip of the knife. This amount of egg shells will be enough for treating these diseases. Mix the crushed egg shells with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. When shells will soften, add one deciliter of hot milk. Consume this mixture 2 times a day – on an empty stomach in the morning and before bedtime in the evening.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Do You Know What Will Happen If You Drink Coconut Water For 7 Days? Find out

You probably did not know that coconut water has a practical compatible structure with the blood plasma in human bloodstream. Moreover, coconut water was used in armed conflicts in the past as a replacement for blood and numerous lives were saved in long and exhausting battles.
Nowadays, coconut water is used all around the globe. You can find it in numerous markets which offer you the chance to use the beneficial advantages of this unbelievable fruit. Coconut water does not taste very pleasantly, but this should not be the reason to avoid one of the best detoxification waters in the world.
What happens when you drink this water?
When you consume coconut water you strengthen your immune system and you eliminate the bacteria which cause urinary tract infections, gonorrhea, gum diseases and viruses which cause cold, infection diseases and typhus.
It will not only increase your energy, but it will also increase the production of thyroid gland hormones. This water is also very good for people who suffer from kidney diseases since it reacts as a natural diuretic. It will cleanse the urinary tract and the bladder canals.  It will remove the toxins from the body and ‘’crash’’ the kidney stones.  Coconut water is good for digestion due to the high level of fibber which it contains. If you drink it regularly it will eliminate the gastric acid. You can drink it in big amounts, since it has low levels of fat. You will lose weight, thanks to water’s ability for keeping you sated and meanwhile it lowers the appetite.
If you have acne, oily or dry skin, all you need to do is to soak a cotton wool in the coconut water and apply it to the skin. It will clean and freshen up the skin, and most importantly, it will keep the pores open. If you mix the water with olive oil, you can cleanse your organism. This mixture can remove bowel parasites.
According to experts, you can solve several health problems during pregnancy with the help of coconut water. Drink one cup of coconut water every morning and you will balance the electrolytes whose misbalance can lead to hypertension, also known as high blood pressure.
If you drink alcohol during the night you will probably have headache in the morning. So, the next time when you exaggerate with alcohol, you will remember this ‘’savior’’ if you want to get rid of the headache. Additionally, it will also compensate for the lost fluids and you will overcome the nausea which is often related with hangover.
If you want your skin to be hydrated and radiant during the entire day, one cup of coconut water will be enough. Also, after several exhausting physical activities, you can drink coconut water and you will regain energy. It will refresh you and leave a positive influence on each body part.
Increase of energy, strong immune system, protection from bacteria and infections, weight loss… What more can you wish for?

Sunday Doctor: Other issues surrounding male infertility

Male infertility is the failure of a man of reproductive age to cause a healthy, fertile woman to get pregnant after one year of having unprotected sex.
Infertility is a major health issue in this century and in many developed nations, a combination of stressful living and life-styles have acted in concert to reduce population growth. Japan, Singapore, Italy, Canada and Australia are prominent in this regard. Each one of those nations has adopted novel means to boost their population and improve growth. Singapore has adopted a work ethic that incorporates a mid-afternoon break long enough for couples to go to their homes and attempt to cohabit. Australia and Canada have sought to increase population growth by encouraging immigration from elsewhere. The same thing applies to the United States.
In developing countries, this is not seen as a matter of concern because population growth is continuing at an alarming rate across the entire spectrum. In the face of overall population growth, no concern is expressed at the government level for the infertile man. That is not likely to change soon in the face of a booming population. 
But within certain subsets of the population, even in those nations, reproductive health is a present and growing fact of life. It is now clear therefore, that a diagnosis of infertility is one which must worry a man. It is becoming clearer that when someone has been diagnosed with this condition, he must worry about some other problems with his health within a few years.

A man diagnosed as being infertile already has enough reason to worry about his life. Now, he must also worry about what the future holds for him in terms of his overall health.
 It is a very sobering thought indeed for any individual to be confronted with so many unknown facts about his future health. Many men will never actually come down with any of these problems, to be certain, but the diagnosis makes it more likely that a real health problem could exist over the coming several years. Every man diagnosed with infertility ought to be warned of some of these possibilities by way of going beyond the routine examinations now considered as normal. It is a problem which is likely to grow in the coming years as the quality of life comes to bear on the overall health of many men and features like diet and a sedentary life style take their toll on health. A combination of these characteristics would surely make things worse for many.
Male infertility is now like dental caries, a reliable predictor of the quality of life within a few years of the diagnosis being made. A young man who is found to suffer from infertility will soon enough be found to have other health problems. He is likely to be diagnosed as an obese individual, because when he suffers from a diminished activity of his male gonads, the result could be a progressive weight gain. From the articles we have written before about the ills of an uncontrolled gain in weight, the remaining problems can be deduced. A man who gains weight progressively over a period of time is likely to become prone to developing diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. It all goes beyond this of course. Such a scenario is useful in helping to unravel whether such a man also takes an excessive amount of alcohol or is a heavy cigarette smoker during the course of the preliminary history-taking. Both of these latter factors are critical to other aspects of a man’s overall health status.
The other features range from arterial and heart disease to failure of sperm production, which has vast implications for the reproductive health of such an individual. Such a lifestyle coming to light will also help determine the overall status of the person’s liver, his hormone profile and his physical condition. It is amazing how what seems to be a routine visit to the hospital to seek a doctor’s attention seems to divert attention so profoundly to other things which appear to be so unrelated at face value that even the patient is often sceptical. One has often heard the opinion expressed to the effect that “the doctors are just conducting tests.” It may be time consuming and the effort may be expensive, but it is worthwhile all the time.
Another disease which infertility may mask is the presence of a varicocele found on routine physical examination. That is particularly the case if the varicocele is found on the left side of the scrotum, where its presence may indicate that there is cancer involving the left kidney. When a man has become used to hearing that he has a low sperm count and all of a sudden, he is told that he has cancer, life changes completely. Certainly, this changes very profoundly the course of the person’s treatment and even his life. The left kidney is singled out here for this analogy because of the peculiar nature of the flow of blood into its vein. This is how a diagnosis for something considered ordinary can alter the life of an individual.
Ask the doctor
Dear doctor, I have recently been diagnosed with low sperm count. Does this mean I am infertile? Is there any hope then for me to have children? What do I need to do in order to improve this count? 081661xxxxx
Low sperm count is a treatable condition. The doctor who requested for that particular investigation must have been able to tell you a few things about your result other than the fact that the count is low. Different types of low sperm count have different causes. The cause of each one determines the kind of treatment you are offered. As a general guide, therefore, there is hope for you with respect to having children. That hope improves with the sort of treatment you get as well.
Dear doctor, I want to know what could possibly cause the following and the likely solutions to them as they affect me: (1) if I sit down on a hard surface for a long time, it would seem as if there is no blood circulation around my pelvic/pubic region. (2) Sometimes when urinating, it spits into two. (3) What could cause a pain at the tip of the manhood as if one was pricked with a pin? (4) As you mentioned in your article about foods that are poisonous to the body, is noodles commonly consumed nowadays included and if so what is the long term side-effect? Also, some years ago, I was treated for staphylococcus, athough I doubt if it is completely out of my system. Probably, I may have contracted it through the toilet as I have never had sex?
There is nothing to fear. None of these complaints is a problem from the perspective of a person’s health. (1) When you sit on a hard surface for a long time, you sit on certain nerves that pass close to the bony points which you compress by sitting. It is that pressure which causes the numbness you may feel when you stand up. This is a normal consequence and all human beings experience it. It is a feeling which soon passes and thus resolves on its own. If a part of the body is not getting blood supplied to it, that part dies. If that happens to you, you will not be sending me emails. You will be seriously ill in the hospital. (2) If you urinate and it splits into two, it only means your urethra did not open fully as your urine came out. This also happens to all men. It is not a disease and even with you, it will not always happen. (3)The pain you feel at the tip of the penis when you urinate may be due to some infection or inflammation near the tip of the penis. You can visit your doctor for the relevant tests to be carried out to determine whether or not an infection is present. I do not believe you had a staphylococcal infection even at the time you claim to have had treatment. A staph infection is not a joke and it is not as ordinary as many people out there think it is. (4) The article about harmful foods did not mention noodles but it is now evident from certain studies that the regular consumption of that particular food puts you at risk for developing an expanding waist line, obesity, heart disease and diabetes.
Dear doctor, I am 20 years old. There is a whitish discharge coming out of my vagina and it has an odour. Please what can I do? 081616xxxxx  
You have to see your doctor for a routine examination which should include various swab tests being done as well. That is the only way to determine which organism(s) may be responsible for the discharge you have.
Dear doctor, I am 23 years old. Sometimes I notice that my nipples become hard and painful and I have boils in my private part before and after my period. I want to know if it is normal and if not, what can be done. Thanks. 081379xxxxx
These are normal occurrences even though not every woman will experience them. You do not have to worry about these except for the inconvenience caused by the boils in particular.
Dear doctor, I am a man gradually approaching 60 years of age. On and off over the years, passing out excrement has been somewhat difficult for me. I would have the urge but on getting to the toilet, it is either I fart or only a small amount would come out. Even skipping dinner at times and taking fruits either in solid form or as extracted juice has not really helped. A few months ago, I started taking liquid paraffin as directed on the bottle. It worked for a while but in recent weeks, the situation has returned to what it used to be. What can the problem be and what do I do? Thank you.   090563xxxxx
This is something that has been with you for a long time. When you refer to passing stools with difficulty, there have to be certain features that will guide us. If you go to the toilet once in three days, that is regarded as normal. If you do so three times a day, and the stools are well formed and that has been your pattern, it is also normal. So, if the interval between stools is no longer than three days, and the only problem you have is that the stools are small and hard, there are a number of “stool softeners” you can use. These are available on a doctor’s prescription after due examination has been conducted to determine if you might be having some other problem.
Dear doctor, I am 46 and I suffer memory loss. My 17-year-old son who is in the university easily forgets simple information which bothers me a lot, though he said it does not affect his study. Is there a special diet to correct this? Thanks. 090268xxxxx
There is no diet to correct this problem as you put it. While your own memory loss could be due to age, your son’s difficulty could be due to the fact that he is so focussed on his studies that he has little time for what may be of no immediate interest to him. On the other hand, he may be so distracted by some other things such as video games, social media and similar engagements that he may equally have no time for your bits of information. Either way, I believe that you are being unduly anxious about him.
Dear doctor. I have a challenge with my manhood. What should I do? 090365xxxxx
Your question is unclear. What sort of challenge do you have with it? Is it too small or too large? Does it function or does it not? Or it is not even there at all? Every one of these is a challenge with their peculiar form of management. You will have to be more specific before you can be helped.
Dear doctor, I am a 65-year-old man. When I have sex with my wife, hardly will any sperm come out from my penis. What is the remedy? 080535xxxxx
Usually, no remedy is necessary because what is happening to you is due to aging. That some semen comes out at all is a plus and that alone guarantees that if you have sex with a younger woman of reproductive age, she can get pregnant. As a result of these facts, you have no need for any form of treatment. Thank you.

By Dr. Sylvester Ikhisemojie

Friday, December 18, 2015

Sex & Sexuality: Special Xmas sexual preparations (2)

One thing I need to emphasise is the fact that special Xmas preparation will fail if and when couples [especially wives] are attached to traditions, norms and customs. Tradition has placed a stigma on any woman who tries to openly voice her sexual desire, especially in a traditional marriage environment. Because of this, many wives have lost their sexual confidence and libido. What presents itself in a typical marriage is a sex bed where the woman is only to be seen and not heard. She is expected to just lie like a log of wood or like a corpse ready for the mortuary. Yet, many husbands are dying to see their wives show them hot sexual stuff. It is not a taboo for a wife to be extremely active when it comes to sex. When wives realise how sex is important to the well being of their husbands, then they will put everything into action this Xmas period.
 For the wives, if you also notice that sexual rage is inside you, do not curtail it; show it off, display it; it is the only way to achieve a satisfying sexual relationship this festive period and bond you together; the man will be forever glued to you.
As your mind is contemplating a perfect Xmas, put your hands to action; they speak volumes by just obeying various actions. For instance when you want to kiss your husband, using your hands as a wife is one of the crucial skills of spicing the sex bed during this period. Passionate wives know how, when and where to touch and seldom have idle hands. As a wife, from the moment your husband starts kissing you, you should already be grasping his hip, caressing his arm, back or thigh, or sliding your finger around the nape of his neck. From caressing to grabbing or tender scratching, there are countless ways that you can increase the pleasure of any given moment by getting your hands involved because those hands are exceptionally gifted. In addition to using your hands to enhance every aspect of doing the deed, bringing your husband to orgasm via manual stimulation is a highly underrated experience. Manual stimulation allows a wife to closely watch her husband’s reactions and this gives the wife a clue as to the kind of stimulation he needs to climax during thrusting in and out.
Don’t be afraid to go beyond using your fingertips. The penis shaft is usually more responsive to an encompassing full-hand hold.
When it is time to get your fingers on your husband’s penis and do wonders with it, cunningly do that by rubbing it deliberately through his pants or by working your hands down the front of his jeans, boxers, or trousers, wrapping your fingers around it and begin to cuddle, do it softly so that you are not pulling on the skin. The secret of this is that such penis gets hard and erect within seconds. When you notice it is hard and erect, you can play and gently squeeze the penis or even wag it from side to side. You will notice that the more you do this, the more the penis gets harder, turgid and even longer. Even if your husband has been suffering from weak erection and loss of sensitivity, this action has been documented to help it to a greater degree. But you should never be overly rough or rub it too quickly or too tightly without adequate lubrication. Many couples take to the use of Vaseline to prevent dryness of the vagina; please there are better lubricants. For better choice of lubricants, please call me. For couples who love public display of affection, the hand-job is one of the few sexual acts a wife can engage in. A little under-the-table groping can be a lot of fun, as long as privacy is ensured. This is a great way to get hot before getting home, whenever there is any outing during this festive period.
When wives complain they do not know what else to do with their husband’s bodies, I tell them that they can bring their men to the brink of paradise and keep them dangling there in heavenly suspense until they beg for mercy by giving them series of complete tantalising attention. This attention can be passed over in a way that the men would realise that their wives would want them to give such back; a good turn deserves another. So start by caressing his penis carefully, not absentmindedly. Ironically, it is during this important moment that many wives are either absentminded or remember the food on the fire. This action makes many husbands go for call girls who will give them undivided attention and more than they ask for.
Pay attention to how he is responding; give him more of what makes him breathe faster, moan or sigh. If he is circumcised, use a slow, light, up-and-down stroke when his penis is not lubricated. You can also just trail your fingers up the length of the shaft and over and around the head.
Since most men get erection first thing in the morning, you can set your alarm 15 minutes before you have to be up, strip down, take his hand in yours, and gently guide it over your body, lingering on your nipples and your clitoris. It is a big bang way to wake him up. Many husbands love women who crave pleasure and take matters into their own hands…literally. Thank God it is festive period; there will be no need to rush to work.
With your mind initiating good thought, fine-tune his touch during foreplay, guide his hand to your clitoris, and show him how to touch you with the rhythm and firmness you like. Men are goal-oriented, so they often figure it out faster, which is why it is important for you to set the tone. It has been observed that many wives do not like to open wide their legs completely. Please, open up so extensively that everything will pop up from wherever they are located [this is especially needful for wives who have undergone female genital mutilation]. When you open up very wide enough for the man to see, every remnant of the clitoris comes out clearly. And if you direct your husband to just suck this area gently, you will always wish this holiday never ends.
Try pressing and releasing his fingertip against your clitoris several times, then use his finger to make small circles in either direction to hit all of your nerves. For a twist that will turn you on, lie facing each other, take his penis and use the tip of it to demonstrate how you like your clitoris to be touched. Manipulate his moves. When it comes to intercourse, it is easy to let clitoral action fall by the wayside, since the majority of positions fail to hit that hot spot. Moreover, that lack of contact is the main reason why so many wives have trouble reaching orgasm while doing the deed. To get clitoral stimulation during sex, hop on top, and have him stroke your clitoris (the thumb works well here). In the missionary position, grab his buttocks, and guide him to thrust slowly and deeply so your clitoris rubs against his pelvic bone. During doggie-style, he can reach around with one hand and firmly press two fingers on your clitoris for added sensation while he thrusts to help take you over the edge.
Husbands, I need to drum this into your hearing; what most wives want in bed is a man who knows how to control the timing of his ejaculation while love play is on, so that both spouses will get the maximum pleasure from sex. One major reason why many wives are not active sexually is because their anticipated sexual escapade/ thrill is frustrated, cut short and curtailed by their husbands’ inability to control their ejaculation timing. But husbands, do you know that it is easy to develop complete self-control so that you can actually choose when to ejaculate during sex? When you have this level of control, your sexual self-confidence will be so high that you can confidently satisfy your wife in bed any time! All you need do is ask from the experts; so get in touch with me.
Another way of doing this is to focus on the backside of your wife during foreplay; I am referring to her buttocks and the backside of her body. Most husbands probably usually focus on the front side of their wives’ body, which means they are neglecting a lot of nerve endings. So husbands, try standing behind your wife and start kissing the nape of her neck, then slowly move down her spine. This also puts you in the perfect position to reach around and cup her breasts or stimulate her manually. Do you know this particular position and the ‘bend down’ position give the couples most pleasure if the husband has a small penis or alternatively, a large penis? Yes it does. For instance, if the penis is too big, it is advisable to also try rear entering while you both are still standing. This helps to make sure the whole penis is not fully inserted but just the tip of the penis will be directly lying within the tip of the vagina. If the penis is small, the wife should bend down completely to the extent of touching her toes with the palms of her hands. By this, the small penis will enter fully into the remaining part of the vagina since half of the woman’s vagina is already bent over with her posture.
Variety of missionary positions with breathing exercise will help many husbands to last longest if they tend to ejaculate quickly. This same position stimulates a wife’s G-spot especially if the husband is very calm and thrusts in such a way that each stroke of the thrusting is directly rubbing on the shaft of the clitoral wall. If any husband understands this technique, it is more likely your wife will reach orgasm during intercourse many more times than you do. This position also helps those who want to achieve pregnancy on time. One interesting thing about this missionary position is that each partner can do three erotic things at the same time while thrusting in and out without interruption? For instance, during thrusting in and out, the husband can at the same time suck the wife’s breast, caress the clitoris with the shaft of the penis without stopping the flow. The wife can also be sucking on one of her husband’s breasts and at the same time using her hands to caress the second breast of her husband while she is moving her hip up to welcome the incoming thrusting in and out.
By Fumi Akingbade

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Special Xmas sexual preparations

I received countless calls and text messages as regards the last edition of your weekly tonic with the above headline. The fact still remains that couple’s sexuality is simply a part of the fabric of living and if couples are not expressing themselves sexually to the maximum, they are not living life to the fullest. Sex stimulates spouses physically and mentally, it makes them healthier. It is a terrific exercise that relieves stress and enhances sleep. It creates feelings of intimacy. Sex is just too good, clean, delicious and fun. I tell couples who think hot sex is somehow beyond their reach, especially during this festival period, to think again.
 A fantastic sex life begins with powerful preparations, thoughts and attitudes towards sex. It is not only within the power of the spouses to have satisfying hot sex, it is the responsibilities of both spouses. A spouse should not wait for the other partner to turn them on; turn your partner on. The more active a spouse is in giving and seeking pleasure, the more he or she thinks about sex and the more a partner thinks about sex, the sexier he or she feels, and the sexier you feel, the better sex will be for you both.
Let your imagination run wild; savour every moment. Wife sucking on her husband’s finger or sucking her finger seductively just in front of him is an entrance to teasing him before the ‘show’ begins. Finger sucking gives you an exhilarating, exciting and ‘be-in-the-mood’ feeling. Fingers are extremely sensitive and the sensation of having it inside a lover’s mouth delivers a warm, soft thrill, and mind you, it is not anti-African at all. Open mouth French kiss is far sexier than close-lipped peck. Let your husband enjoy the feeling of your hot breath and wet tongue against his skin.
Pay attention to those seldom-appreciated areas; take your husband’s nipples each one between your teeth for a gentle bite. Men’s nipples are not as sensitive as a woman’s, but they still get erect when licked, kissed and bitten. The flesh in-between the penis and the scrotum should be licked as if you are licking an ice cream. The feeling of fingertips, lips or tongue in these sensitive areas will shoot tiny shivers of hot pleasure up the man’s spine. A man’s back is very sensitive; it responds well to erotic stimulation. Place lots of lubricant in your palms and rub the back..
Each time you make love as a couple, let there be an intense connection. For instance, the husband could take control of the action before the time of actual thrusting by cradling the wife’s head in his hands and whispering affectionate nothings into her ears. This is a sure access into a rapturous pleasure. Wife at this stage, you should wrap your arms and legs around your husband’s body and pull him closer to you for deep penetration. Make sure you match the rhythm of each thrusting with a corresponding lifting of your pelvic with his and letting out some stimulating sounds, moaning and seductive sexy language. Holding hands during sex is fantastic. Grasping your spouse’s hands is also a romantic way for you to provide added support and balance when he or she is moving up and down on top of you.
Encourage your wife to straddle you on the edge of the bed and give her neck, breast and nipple plenty of loving attention while her vagina has completely encapsulated your penis as she moves on top of you. This move is guaranteed to momentarily take off her breath. Encouraging your wife to put up a show with her breasts by telling her how striking and sexy they are and how much you love watching them move, dance, fly and feeling them against your body is an ego booster to many wives.
Husband, one of the greatest sex escapades this festive period is to allow your wife to take the lead whenever she is on top of you and follow her lead. When she moves down on you firmly to achieve deeper penetration, thrust up slightly and when she is moving quickly or intermittently, stay still and let her have her way. This instruction is particularly good for the small penis husbands whose organ is so small or shrinks and it slips off with this type of posture. Aside from this, small or shrinking penis men can use the herbs from China to correct the smallness and the shrinking. For details, call me.
The wife should also keep her body upright to make sure she is not bending the penis in an uncomfortable manner. Just move up and down, with an occasional side-to-side wiggle. Squatting also allows for a greater range of up and down motion. Try rotating your hips in a small circle or moving very slowly from side to side as you raise and lower yourself unto your husband.
Climb on your husband as he sits in a chair; let your legs fall comfortably on either side of his body and grab the back of the chair, using the chair to rock your body back and forth. Sit in such a way to create friction between your clitoris and his abdomen, and simultaneously move his penis inside your vagina. This is not only erotic, terrific, invigorating, exquisite and fabulous but it gives room for a full frontal seduction. This makes you as the wife to feel incredibly sexy and this position is fantastic for inducing hot orgasm. Your husband’s penis should always all the time be given undivided attention. Please wife, do not let a day pass without playing with his penis unless on doctor’s order. Do not nurse the idea that the penis can wear out with either too much sex, or blow job or foreplay. The reverse is the case; in fact, according to researchers, the human penis is more revitalised, energetic, stronger, activated and ecstatic when put to daily use. So, make a ring with your thumb and index finger and slid it up and down over the head and the very top of the shaft, these are the most sensitive parts of the penis. Wrap your entire hand around the penis for a fuller, slightly less intense yet equally enjoyable sensation. This twisting motion can be very erotic, revitalising, fulfilling and passionate that it can lead to premature ejaculation. As I always encourage, what most wives want in bed is a husband who knows how to control the timing of his ejaculation while the penis is on ‘fire and torture,’ so that both spouses will get the maximum pleasure from sex. Cure your weak erection and regain your sexual self-confidence to be able to satisfy your wife in bed any time! Do all you can to get a full erectile dysfunction massaging; this massaging sometimes eliminates that premature ejaculation, makes you last longer.
Many husbands enjoy having their prostate gland stimulated during sexual encounter or otherwise gentle caress with the wife’s tongue. I will encourage the wife to carefully locate the area of the skin directly behind her husband’s testicles and push upward with the pads of her fingers or her tongue. In fact, tugging gently on the skin between the testicles can release some extra ‘oomph’ ‘hmmm’ ‘yesssss’ ‘thank youu’ with eyes closed. The point here is that many wives shy away from this but this is what these men secretly want. This is what makes many of the husbands out there go after dirty smelling call girls and even pay heavily for what the wife can give in overdose. So start off, stimulate the penis from top to bottom with both fists, descending one after the other, so that instead of an up-and-down motion, there is a continual downward stroke. This is enjoyable and glorious, because some nerves surrounding that area are actively sending erotic signals to the base of the penis. Create a ring around the base of the penis with the thumb and index finger of one hand. Hold it there, squeezing gently, while stroking the rest of the penis with the other hand. This helps to engorge the penis and make ejaculation a full calming, peaceful, reassuring force. There is a way a wife will go about this that I am afraid some husbands can really take more weeks off even after the Xmas holiday is over.
What is the way out?
I am a man of 48 years and before I got married 10 years ago, I was very active sexually. As a matter of fact, that was the primary reason my wife chose to marry me. But just last year, my libido for sex dropped so drastically and up till now, we don’t make love more than once in two months. My wife complains bitterly and I know the fault is mine. I have been much stressed lately although the doctor said I am fit for sex but the truth of the matter is, nothing moves me anymore with my wife. I tried to see if its the same with other women but to my amazement, I went two rounds non-stop with them. I love my wife, please what is the way out?
Sola from Banana Island
Frankly speaking, your libido is down and what may have affected it may be the issue you had with stress and the medications you were given. If in those medications there were some steroids, such may also have affected your libido to a certain degree. But the illusion that you went after another woman and you had a sex-filled day is also going to be a temporary thing after a while. Because one, you are in your midlife years (group) and at this stage, there is a tendency to have sexual crises and challenges that usually affect some men. If you stayed for another year or so with this other lady, the issue of your low libido will still come up as a result of the midlife crisis and the remnant of the steroid in your system. Primarily at this age, there may be a need for you to have your P. S .A. Prostate Specific Antigen test and some other prostrate tests done. These help to state the conditions of your prostrate which may be the reason for your low libido. Besides, as a man ages, the prostrate enlarges and functions less and less. So keep your marriage.
Embarrassing itching
There is this itchy rash in my groin that has spread to my inner thighs and my scrotum and it has refused to go in spite of all treatment. Is it a Sexually transmitted disease? As soon as my girl- friends see it, they take to their heels. It is so embarrassing.
Suleiman Ibrahim, Kano
Jock itch is the popular name given to an itchy rash in the groin that commonly involves the inner thighs and adjacent skin, including the scrotum in males. This itching is associated with sweating, friction/abrasion. The rash may affect not only the groin, but it can involve any area of the skin that overlap, including around the anus and in the skin folds of obese men and women. Make sure you expose the area to fresh air, wear loose clothing and try to reduce your weight and control excessive sweating.
What advice do you have for the widows?
Dear Funmi, I feel jealous each time I read your piece for the married where you dish out lots and lots of tips for them. Has it ever occurred to you that there are many of us that are widows and read your column? Don’t you know blood runs in our veins? What do you expect us to do? Should we have sex with our room furniture? Is there not a way that we can be sorted out?
An aggrieved widow
Hmmm, as a widow, it is true that your sexual needs need to be met because you are a sexual being; you had been sexually active before now but stopped. However, a widow is not exempted from still enjoying passionate and erotic sexual pleasure if he or she so wishes. All I would advise is for you to wait patiently and be remarried again to someone that will not only love you but must also have been sexually over-starved; someone who knows and values the importance of sex in marriage. Because if you remarry and the fellow you are married to does not value sex, you will still go back to the same state of jealousy, denials and starvation. However, if you are way far into your 70s, I think it will be healthy if you stop reading this column because you might as well be punishing yourself unduly.
We are not well matched in shape
Madam, are there no basic sexual positions that couples can engage in for ultimate satisfaction? I am tired of all those sex position guides that sound like they are meant for super models. My wife and I are not uniquely matched in a way that makes some of the standard sexual positions extremely difficult; she is extremely tall and skinny while I am very short and hefty.
Lukmon Saheed
Weight, height flexibility, special abilities, physical disabilities, penis size, vaginal depth, different body types and sizes make spouses to force their partners into a position in which they are not comfortable. Rather, it is advisable to vary positions through sex to help keep the muscles from straining or cramping up. For instance, if you’re very tall and your wife is too short, aside from the basic missionary position, try standing on the stairs or having her sit on something taller than a chair, like the kitchen counter, a set of dressing drawers, or the back of the couch. If she likes sex from behind, she can stand and bend over something, resting her hips on the arm of a chair or her hands on the seat. From this position, you should have a lot of downward leverage with which to thrust, giving you a chance to angle in different directions for a number of different kinds of stimulation, including the possibility of some serious g-spot contact. Now if she is the tall one, doggie style sex is really great with short husbands, because you can get down very low onto the bed and she can use her own leverage to thrust against you.
If the husband is a bit on the heavy side, women on top will solve the problem. She can hold on to your knees for leverage and support and grind her clitoris against your thighs and pubic bone without putting any pressure on your chest. But if it is the wife that is heavy big and huge and you appear to be skinny, nothing to worry about. Thin husbands tend to have larger penis, mostly because they have fewer layers of fat padding the base and tend to be in fitter cardiovascular health as well, allowing them to go longer and with greater stamina. So start off with the missionary position style and its different variations. If you have a shorter penis, or she is ovulating, bring her legs up higher to get deeper. If you are large or her vaginal canal is shallow, keep her legs low to help prevent bumping her cervix too hard..
By Fumi Akingbade

Friday, December 11, 2015


With grieve and pains in my heart, I write to as many that are involved in abortions and many that have given out money for abortion and many doctors or nurse that carried out the assignment!


Dear Mum
I have decided to talk to you, to let you know my feelings.
I want to know why you did it. My story is short. I have stayed inside you for only three months. I was very comfortable and warm. I felt really protected. I know you are a very special person because I ate the food you ate. I longed for the day would see your face.
Nine months was a long time to wait, but I was determined to wait. I had to be patient.
One day I heard you
Converse with a man about me, and at some stage you quarreled. The man then offered you some money to get rid of me.
I was happy and prayed that this meant that I would at least see you, the only person I knew in the world: I was wrong.
I had almost forgotten the issues until I felt something
Pierce my tiny ear. I jerked and silently and in pain, and asked you to protect me.
Seconds letter the object came, Fiercer than before.
My tiny was cut up, starting from the ears then
arms and legs. It was an agonizing experience, my head was then cut off
and I
It took me a whole hour to die, a whole hour for an innocent three months human being to be murdered.
I remember the whole incidence vividly and I keep asking myself
what I did to deserve
that cruel death? why me? why did you do it to me? And why was I not given a chance to live?
I know you are having a lot of nightmares. You remain guilty for the beastly act.
Please explain to your God
why you committed the heinous act.
Personally I have forgiven you
Though I never lived to see your face.
But mum, will you repeat this to any other child?don't mum
My back to my creator was safe and I arrived safely.
I was given a red carpet welcome by Ab Angel.
Am infact , without bitterness.
I still love you mum.
But why me?

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Wise Sayings- A must read for all.

1. Your shoes are the first thing people subconsciously notice about you. Wear nice shoes.
2. If you sit for more than 11 hours a day, there's a 50% chance you'll die within the next 3 years.
3. There are at least 6 people in the world who look exactly like you. There's a 9% chance that you'll meet one of them in your lifetime.
4. Sleeping without a pillow reduces back pain and keeps your spine stronger.
5. A person’s height is determined by their father, and their weight is determined by their mother.
6. If a part of your body "falls asleep", You can almost always "wake it up" by shaking your head.
7. There are three things the human brain cannot resist noticing - food, attractive people and danger.

8. Right-handed people tend to chew food on their right side.

9. Putting dry tea bags in gym bags or smelly shoes will absorb the unpleasant odor.
10. According to Albert Einstein, if honey bees were to disappear from earth, humans would be dead within 4 years.
11. There are so many kinds of apples, that if you ate a new one every day, it would take over 20 years to try them all.

12. You can survive without eating for weeks, but you will only live 11 days without sleeping.

13. People who laugh a lot are healthier than those who don’t.

14. Laziness and inactivity kills just as many people as smoking.

15. A human brain has a capacity to store 5 times as much information as Wikipedia.

16. Our brain uses the same amount of power as a 10-watt light bulb!!

17. Our body gives enough heat in 30 minutes to boil 1.5 liters of water!!
18. The Ovum egg is the largest cell and the sperm is the smallest cell!!
19. Stomach acid (conc. HCl) is strong enough to dissolve razor blades!!

20. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day & while you walk, SMILE. It is the ultimate antidepressant.

21. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.

22. When you wake up in the morning, pray to ask God's guidance for your purpose, today.

23. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.

24. Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eat blueberries, broccoli, and almonds.

25. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
26. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughts and things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
27. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card.
28. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
29. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Forgive them for everything.
30. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
31. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

32. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.

33. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
34. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
35. Frame every so-called disaster with these words: 'In five years, will this matter?'

36. Help the needy, Be generous! Be a 'Giver' not a 'Taker'

37. What other people think of you is none of your business.

38. Time heals everything.

39. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
40. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.
41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
42. Each night before you go to bed, pray to God and be thankful for what you accomplished, today. What if you woke up this morning and only had what you thanked God for yesterday? DON’T FORGET TO THANK GOD FOR EVERYTHING.
43. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.
Now: Think about sharing this with friends to help them lead a happier and healthier life, too!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Pregnant women must not sleep face up

No doubt, sleep is beneficial to human health. It not only rests the body, it also refreshes and keeps us going.
Getting a good night’s sleep can make us feel ready to take on the world any day.
In studies of humans and other animals, scientists have discovered that sleep plays a critical role in immune function, metabolism, memory, learning, and other vital functions.
Sleep specialist/assistant professor of psychiatry at the Harvard Medical School, Dr. Robert Stickgold, whose work focuses on the nature and function of sleep, notes that sleep plays an important role in memory, both before and after learning a new task.
He says lack of adequate sleep affects mood, motivation, judgment, and perception of events.
As important as sleep is, however, the positions we assume when we sleep can affect our health in ways we don’t imagine.
Pregnant women
A study led by a researcher from the University of Michigan School of Public Health and published in the International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, reveals that pregnant women who slept on their back (supine sleep) increased the risks of low birth weight by a factor of five, and that it was the low birth weight that explained the high risk for stillbirth in the affected women.
This suggests that there is a link between maternal supine sleep (lying with the face up) and stillbirth.
A consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist at Olabisi Onabanjo University Teaching Hospital, Sagamu, Ogun State, Dr. Olusoji Jagun, says usually, pregnant women are not expected to sleep on their back, especially in their third trimester.
He explains, “When you lie on your back, the weight of the pregnant uterus slows the return of blood to your heart, which reduces blood flow to the foetus. That means the baby is getting less oxygen and fewer nutrients.”
So, the recommended sleeping position for a pregnant woman, experts say, is sleeping on the left side.
Family doctor, Akin Bajulaiye, says sleeping on your left side is very beneficial for the baby in the womb.
He says, “It may benefit your baby by improving blood flow and, by implication, providing nutrients to the placenta.
“It also helps the pregnant mum’s kidneys to efficiently eliminate waste products and fluids from the body. This confers the advantage of reducing the probability of swelling in the ankles, feet, and hands.”
For babies
For infants under one year of age, experts warn against placing a child to sleep in “prone position.”
“By prone position, we mean putting a child to sleep on his stomach,” explains paediatrician, Dr. Abimbola Ogunnusi.
Ogunnusi notes that though Sudden Infant Death Syndrome — an unexpected, sudden death of an infant under one year of age — remains unexplained even after an autopsy and thorough medical investigation, “researches suggest that an infant who sleeps on his or her stomach and whose head becomes covered by bedspreads may begin to overheat.
“And though the brain usually triggers the infant to wake up and move to free his or her head, the overheating may inhibit the brain’s protective wake-up signal, resulting in SIDS.”
She says that’s why global authorities such as the National Institutes of Health and the American Academy of Paediatrics advise parents to place babies on their backs to sleep.
“This is called back-to-sleep, and it has been known to reduce cases of SIDS by over 50 per cent,” Ogunnusi counsels.
Spine, neck health
For the rest of the population, scientists say the best way to sleep in order to maintain spine health is to sleep on the back, with the arms secured by the sides. “This is good for the spine and the neck,” scientists say.
Again, they say, this position prevents facial wrinkles because nothing is pushing against your face.
The only downside here, they warn, is that the sleep position may make you snore more than you are wont to if you took less stringent position.
Improve digestion
If you are looking for a way of improving digestion, experts say, you can sleep on your stomach (face down). The only issue you may have to contend with, they warn, is that it can put an enormous strain on the neck, as you may have to face one particular direction.
Relieve heartburn
Author of Sleep Interrupted and Clinical Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology at New York Medical College in Valhalla, Steven Park, advises that side sleeping is also advantageous “because it helps keep your airways open.”
Experts also note that sleeping on the left side can put a strain on internal organs such as the liver, lungs, and the stomach, even when it minimises acid reflux.
And if you are wondering why you sometimes wake up with back and neck pain, especially after you may have slept soundly, experts say it may be because you sleep curled up into a ball, with the knees drawn up and your chin tilted down.
Called the ‘foetal position,’ physicians say it can restrict deep breathing.
Use good mattress
In conclusion, physicians say it is absolutely impossible to maintain a particular sleep position throughout the night, but that in order to enjoy good quality sleep, you should mind the condition of your mattress.
“This will often dictate your sleep position. If you have an old, worn-out mattress that sags in the middle, sleeping may become a nightmare,” they conclude.