Saturday, March 7, 2015

Having better penis performances

A good maintenance culture is a prerequisite for virtually all important things in life. When a man cultivates good penis maintenance culture, high percentage of incomparable penis performance is predictable. It’s true that man’s sexual validity depends very much on how good his penis performance is and how lasting the penis life-span can be. When a man knows how to keep penis performing at the highest level, he can satisfy his wife at any time without dread of the unknown or apprehension of underperformance. Obviously, man has to know how to keep his penis serviceable hard 80 per cent of the time. A problematic penis is generally not very pleasurable during sex and gives you little chance of making your wife climax. Inasmuch as men reach their sexual peak at 18, and women reach theirs at 28, peak hormones with poor maintenance don’t mean peak sexual performance.
What are the ways of better penis performance? you may wonder. Well, inasmuch as sex isn’t a race of life, it goes a long way to define a man. So, start by massaging the penis for increase, adequate blood circulation, because your penis depends on good blood circulation in order to become fully effective. As the vessels that transport the blood to your sexual organs are fairly small in size, they can become less efficient as the years pass and they accumulate tiny plaques which restrict blood flow. But with a successful penis massage, plaques in your blood vessels can be dispersed and expand the capillaries that cause your penis to become erect. This allows you to maintain harder erections for longer periods of time and if done properly, it can actually increase your girth. This massage is simply done by robbing the base of the penis regularly (this is not masturbation, for effective guide and result, see a sex therapist).
Walk more. Researchers found that men who walked just two miles a day had half the rate of erection problems than sedentary men. Deposits that clog or stiffen penile arteries can kill an erection faster than men tend to think of their arteries as simple pipes that can become clogged, but there’s a lot more going on than that.
The linings of those blood vessels are very biologically active areas where chemicals are being made and released into the bloodstream. The more you exercise, the healthier, cleaner, and more flexible those linings become.
Funny as it may sound, learning how to yawn regularly is a good penis maintenance habit. As far as your body is concerned, yawning and getting an erection is practically the same thing. They’re both controlled by a chemical called nitric oxide. Released in the brain, it can either travel to the neurons that control mouth opening and breathing, or go down the spinal cord to the blood vessels that feed the penis. Sometimes it does both; that’s why a big yawn can cause a tremour down. It gives you a good hard-on and healthy penis. So yawn and breathe deeply in the mornings. It helps increase the oxygen in your blood flow and also calms you down when you’re stressed.
Make it a habit to fall asleep after the last thrust, because your penis needs as much shut-eye as it can get. Did you know that every night while you sleep, you have between three and five hour-long erections? You probably noticed this phenomenon the last time you had to pee at 4am. Those erections are not there just to make sex and life interesting for you and your wife. They work to recharge your penis—keeping it well-nourished with oxygenated blood. Theoretically, the more nocturnal erections you have, the more flexible your erectile tissue will become and that may help keep the penis strong as the years wear on. This also makes the testicle size bigger and increase testes performance by over 30 per cent. In fact, most men start to notice their testicles feeling pleasantly heavier and fuller after few weeks of this sleep habit. The testicles are usually bigger and get more attention from your wife and of course, ejaculation volume is amazing. According to a recent research, the sperm concentrations in men decreased by almost one-third because their testicles are 25 per cent smaller than that of their great grandfathers due to the high level of restlessness, stress and lack of restful sleep and the motility of those sperm (which is their ability to swim to the egg) has dropped by 50 per cent. And whether you believe it or not, the female folks are subconsciously much more attracted to men with bigger, healthier packages and higher testosterone levels and less attracted to men with poorly balanced hormones and smaller packages.
Practice keeping an erection longer by fighting boredom. When you’re not enthusiastic about your life or your sex life, it would be a miracle if you can actually have a hard erection!
Take time, don’t rush in. This is something most husbands don’t know and don’t care to know. Foreplay always helps men hold on longer. You may think it’s pointless, but by indulging in foreplay for 15 minutes before penetration, the penis gets more time to warm itself up for the act. Always spend more time on foreplay. By getting straight into the act immediately, the excitement and sexual tension may build up too fast which could end up overexciting you and leading to faster ejaculation. Just don’t think about your erection until you have to penetrate her. And when it’s time, you can rest assured that the penis will be over ready.
Don’t be overexcited; overexcitement increases adrenaline which can make you feel weak and jittery. And also don’t be afraid of losing an erection; once in a while, everybody does. This is actually the biggest reason why so many men suffer from a limp erection. Psychological damage can do more harm than physical damage. Change positions but not too often in bed, you may have heard that changing positions can be more fun. But by doing that, you’ll end up worrying too much about whether your member will continue to stay erect during each penetration and end up feeling more stressed, you’d also end up ejaculating faster because the change in pace makes you more aroused. Instead, try new sex positions. Some sex positions will stimulate you faster and make you orgasm really fast, while some positions can help you last a lot longer. The missionary position is a safe one, but a few unconventional positions may just help you better. But you’ll never know what works until you try.
Don’t think only about penetration. Lovemaking isn’t all about putting it in. If you want to get it hard and keep it hard, you need to learn to understand that lovemaking isn’t just about the act of penetration. When you pay all the attention on penetration, it’s inevitable that you’ll end up putting a lot of pressure on yourself. Take time to please her in other ways and you’ll see how relaxed and sensual sex really can be. Stop worrying about the last time. Well, yeah, you had a hard time having a hard on the last time. But guess what, this is not last time. You can’t expect sex to feel awesome every time. And when you do have a dry spell, don’t let that bother you. Just indulge in foreplay, have fun and stop thinking about what went wrong the last time.
Use condom wisely. Condoms can have a tight grip around your member and it can definitely affect your performance if you’re not comfortable with it. Use thinner condoms if you must.
To be continued next week…..
Safe cycle system
I do not want to have any of the family planning methods. Virtually all had failed but my best friends suggested the safe cycle system. What is your take?
Tobilola Toibu
There is no safe cycle where you can have unprotected sex without risking unwanted pregnancy. Some may say that having unprotected sex during their periods will ensure that they do not get pregnant. While the chances are definitely lower, yes, you might want to still look for a better and easier one like wearing a condom in order to be safe to some extent.
How to jumpstart sex
Our marriage has undergone some challenges that have affected our lovemaking. It was close to zero but life is back to normal now but we don’t know where to start a good sex life from. What do you suggest? I think I should make the best move as a man. She loves sex a lot and I want her to respond the way she used to before now.
The man of the house
Take sex out of the bedroom and try and explore new regions. You could just jumpstart it but not first in the bedroom. The same old place is too conducive to the same old patterns. Explore some new erogenous areas: the kitchen or the bathroom. Husband, I know you are familiar with her nipples and vagina. Good. Now spend some time on the back of her neck. It’s a brave new world of nerve endings, so gently caressing and kissing are all that’s needed. Lavish praise on the lilies and you’ll be invited back to the garden. So concentrate on a favourite body part and talk about how beautiful she is. Make her feel sexy by thinking and saying she’s sexy; nothing jumpstarts her like deeper touch. So put one pillow under her hips and another under your chest. It’s easier for her to then adjust her knees and legs. Rest your chin on your fist, and use a finger to put pressure on the bottom of her vagina to heighten her sensation.
Is it easier to get a urinary tract infection [UTI] via sex in the missionary position?
I get this burning sensation and itchy feeling each time I have sex with my husband especially when we practise missionary position.
Mrs Opakile Bunmi
No. A urinary tract infection [UTI] happens when bacteria that may be present near your vaginal opening or the tip of the head of your husband’s penis migrates up the urethra to the bladder. Any type of intercourse can propel these bacteria into your urethra, triggering the abdominal pain, burning sensation while urinating and constant urge to urinate.
Before you have sex, reduce the UTI odds by gently washing your vagina zone with mild soap and water, which will reduce the amount of bacteria outside your vaginal opening. And also wash your husband’s penis, then urinate immediately after sex.

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