Saturday, July 25, 2015

Best help for circumcised wives

A lot of married women have ignorantly and unconsciously turned their sincere and faithful husbands into guilty unhappy cheats; these men have [against their wish] broken their marriage vows over and again. Some have even accepted infidelity in their marriage as the only way out of their sexual frustration and dissatisfaction, while others have accepted their fate, all because their wives are brutally circumcised and sexually uncooperative. This category of wives are either not interested in sex, or do not know how or have the ability to sexually meet the needs of their men. They have a very low libido or they have never been aroused or ever experienced orgasm, or have given up on their sexuality all because of the negative effect of female circumcision, otherwise called female genital mutilation.
One of the major challenges I have come across in the past few years is the inability to help these women freely with the gift of sex and to really enjoy sexual relationship within their marriage despite the challenge of circumcision.
Circumcision or female genital mutilation became popularly accepted in the Dark Age in order to eradicate or reduce the level of female promiscuity. But oddly, it has been discovered that promiscuity is a matter of the heart. Until the heart of a man is occupied by right attitude and mindset, abolishing promiscuity can never be effective by physical infliction of pain or cuts.
From research and medical indications, circumcised wives hardly enjoy sex, they hardly get aroused, hardly experience any form of libido sensation or hype, are hardly interested in sex, they are mostly unable to sexually satisfy their men, they hardly have a normal delivery without either a tear or an episiotomy cut, during a normal vaginal delivery. These categories of women also mostly experience low sexual confidence due to the ugly picture of the site of the circumcision. However, a natural do-it-yourself home remedy exercise has been discovered called the long woman or the clitoral exercise that will put smile in the faces of many couples. Please, read and enjoy.
The clitoral exercise otherwise known as the long woman is an exercise to increase the length and girt of the clitoris for better libido and better couple’s sexual satisfaction. This procedure came into existence way back in the Victorian time and it is practised more in the African countries especially in Uganda. Because of the numerous advantages, it is now a procedure that has gone viral in the US, the Caribbean and Europe, and has now become accepted worldwide.
It is an exercise majorly recommended for upcoming teenagers [especially in Ugandan culture] already betrothed to a particular man when she is of age. This procedure is specifically carried out on the teenage girl for close to three years for her to be sexually equipped and trained in order to give sexual satisfaction to her man. To get the teenager set for the procedure, an elderly wife is assigned to teach and direct her. As soon as the clitoris reaches a substantial and significant length, the teenager is certified as a good wife to be and tagged with a new name ‘the long woman.’
The many benefits of this exercise have created an impactful transformation basically on the marriage union of many relationships, most especially on the wife and on the sexual relationship.
Clitoral exercise is the regular application of special oil called ‘Avangunin oil of life’ and daily rotational pulling out of the clitoris with the first and thumb finger coupled with the support of the second finger in both clockwise and anti-clockwise directions. The clitoris is placed in-between the first finger and the thumb while the second finger supports firmly the first finger. For best result, the rubbing should be done twice daily for 10 minutes each.
It is best done while the lady lies down with her knee pulled up and bent while a throw pillow is under her buttocks in an angle 45 degree. To prevent infection such as vaginal infection, yeast infection, vaginal itching and urinary tract infection, it is advisable for the pubic hair to be shaved a little bit above the location of the clitoris, the finger nails must be well trimmed and hands must be washed only with mild soap and also lubricated with Avangunin oil of life. This is a natural oil gotten from three different plants with natural chemical composition that works directly on the nerves of the clitoris, [the clitoris has almost same amount of nerves supply as the penis]. This oil also has some natural growth element and ability to heal any damage done during the time of rotation. It should also be noted that there should not be too much pressure on the clitoris so as to prevent bursting of the tender blood vessels and numbness.
The procedure is most appropriate for the following categories of people, ladies that have undergone various degrees of circumcisions. There are three types of circumcision; first, second and third degree circumcision. First degree circumcision is when the tip of the clitoris is cut off. Second degree circumcision is when the major part of the clitoris is cut off while the third degree is when the entire clitoris is cut off from the hood alongside with some part of the labia minora [the inner lip of the female vulva]. Females who have undergone episiotomy either lateral or bi-lateral cut during normal vaginal delivery and develop lots of scar formation leading to loss of sensual sensitivity during sex. Potential young wives aspiring to be the best sex partner of their husbands; women with low supply of female sex hormones.
Many couples have called in asking if the procedure has any advantage to the husbands. Yes, it does by providing a sexually sensitive and responsive wife, by reducing long frustrating foreplay for the husband, by reducing high level of clumsiness and stressful sex. The long clitoris has a way of rubbing off on the penis of the man during active thrusting in and out, thus creating a responsive libido triggering for the man. It increases female libido and level of female arousal. It also helps to compensate for the husband whose penis is small in size. The long clitoris usually assists the small penis to fully occupy the inside of the vagina [this is because some clitoris can be as long as the size of some small size penis]. It increases the sexual confidence of the new bride. It increases sexual libido during pregnancy and lactation. Basically, a nursing mother most times may not be sexually inspired to either ask for sex or notice the sexual desire in her husband, due to the fact that as long as she nurses her baby with breast milk, she will always produce a hormone called prolactin which is a form of natural family planning hormone. This hormone only helps the nursing mother to be more concerned about her baby than be sexually attractive or responsive to her husband. But when such lady has over the years developed a long clitoris, it is of an added advantage because the clitoris gets bigger during breastfeeding and this stimulates her sexual appetite compared to her contemporary who has not practised clitoral exercise. It also enhances good blowjob.
It increases and fast-forwards orgasm in all categories of women. It helps to naturally cure acute level of premature ejaculation, weak erection, and acute erectile dysfunction. This is because during sex, the clitoris increases in size and strength and actually erect and stands firm like the penis and the sensation the erect clitoris gives the penis helps to stimulate it and when there is active penile stimulation, there is free flow of blood to the base and shaft of the penis which helps to supply more oxygen and nutrient to the penis. When this is done on a frequent level, healing starts showing up gradually and before long, most men with poor erection, weak erection and poor performance always testify to the positive effect of the extra length of their wives’ clitoris. Note: it is not safe to use any other oil as this may not give you the result you so much desire.
Clitoral exercise can be practised by every woman of any age, at any stage. This is because it is a natural exercise with natural plant oil to help the clitoris grow to any capacity of growth. So why wait, start now.
Questions and Answers
Acupuncture and impotence, how effective
A friend of mine said he was completely cured of impotence when he underwent acupuncture. Please, does it really work?
Mr. Allen Owolabi
Actually, acupuncture is an age-old healing practice of traditional Chinese medicine in which thin needles are placed at specific points in the body. It’s primarily used to relieve pain but it is also used to treat other conditions. Acupuncture seeks to release the flow of the body’s vital energy or “chi” by stimulating points along 14 energy pathways. Scientists say the needles cause the body to release endorphins — natural painkillers — and may boost blood flow and change brain activity. Now, the only way acupuncture may have worked for that your friend is this; when there is good blood flow to the male organ, he must have done the acupuncture severally. However, some sceptics say acupuncture works only because people believe it will. However, I would suggest you could try it if it will help.
I want to make a confession
Dear Funmi, I want to make a confession and at the same time seek your advice on my issue. My problem is that I don’t get aroused around my wife any longer. For me to have an erection and even maintain it, it will take a lot of touching and blowing but most time, I don’t get up at all. I married a very beautiful woman with outstanding brilliance and behaviour but her boobs are just too small. The confession there is that I hit 100 per cent arousal anytime I see or touch any other female apart from my wife. For me to be certain, I even had two other secret lovers and mere thinking about them gets me aroused. But with my wife, it is an issue. I know having secret lovers is very wrong and I am gradually getting out of it but I think I am confused now, sometimes I will even think I have erectile dysfunction but if I am around any other lady, 10 -15 minutes and even sometime close to 30 minutes, I am still hard. We had a child and we have been trying to make another one but I am not just getting it up. The truth is I love her but I am not just feeling her, I see her nakedness everyday but I am not moved. I don’t even mind if there is a drug that can get me very aroused when I am with her. Please help me, I am so confused. You may publish my write up but please don’t put my name. I await your response. God will hold you and your family (Amen).
My dear sir, your mail was well understood but I have a set of questions for you; were you aware of your highest sexual trigger point before your marriage to your wife? Did you by any means ask her while you were dating if she was naturally endowed with big breasts or did she have a push up bra on 24/7? Were you so much in love with her and also attracted to her beauty and   outstanding brilliant qualities and behaviour that you ignored the fact that big breast keeps you going come rain or shine? If all your answers to these questions are in the positive, then I would suggest you make up your mind to live with your choice and either help her to increase the size of her breast naturally or buy her lots of invisible breast attachments. Lots of us are not all perfect physically but we can enhance ourselves. Besides, it has been researched that when couples grow together in the marriage union, they tend to live more like brothers and sisters rather than hot lovers with sexual sparks. You will have to work on your wife to help you bring more of sexual sparks back into your life than going out there to other women. I would also like to say that you also have to realise that you will be losing out greatly if you allow your sexual needs alone to define your marriage. Think on your investment in the marriage; think of the other outstanding qualities of the woman and also think of the destinies of your lovely children. As much as there is no substitute for good sex in marriage, I think when you make a marital choice you should also be responsible for your choices.
Could this be something else?
I have an alarming yeast infection that has lingered on for more than necessary. I have been to the hospital; I have even tried over the counter medications, but it’s just not working.
Ms comfort Ogirilu
Self-diagnosis is not always accurate. In fact, studies show that up to 50 per cent of women who think they have a yeast infection actually have another type of vaginitis. So, before you conclude it is a yeast infection, watch out for these pointers to help you decide what might be going on. Yeast infection symptoms include itching – Itching is the most common symptoms of a yeast infection. Sometimes the itching is so severe that you scratch until raw sores develop. Vaginal burning – Yeast can also cause vaginal irritation, burning and swelling, as well as pain with urination and sex. Occasionally, with severe infections, the entire vulva are bright red and swollen. Vaginal discharge – The vaginal discharge of a yeast infection is most typically thick, white and clumpsy, almost a ‘cottage cheese’ [locally produced wara] appearance, but some infections will be tricky and have a normal appearing discharge.
Please, do not mistake the following symptoms for a yeast infection: Foul vaginal odour – a strong vaginal odour is not a typical symptom of a yeast infection, but more likely to be bacterial vaginosis (BV), which is an overgrowth of abnormal bacteria instead of yeast. BV is more common than yeast infections and causes a grey thin discharge and a pungent fishy odour that is most prominent after intercourse. BV is easily treated with an antibiotic and doesn’t cause any long term health issues.
Vulva blisters/ulcerations – Genital herpes cause blisters and ulcers that can sometimes be confused with a yeast infection because both can cause a burning pain, swelling and irritation. Sadly, there is no cure for herpes, but there are antiviral pills available to treat the symptoms of the disease.
Frothy vaginal discharge – Discharge that is frothy and bubbly could be a sign of trichomonas, a common sexually transmitted disease (STD). Trichomonas is highly contagious, but luckily can be easily treated with antibiotics and doesn’t cause any long term health issues. All sexual partners must be treated with antibiotics as well, or you can get re-infected easily.

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