Many people will be surprised at the title of this article. Well, before we talk about the safety of the bottled water, I want to discuss the basics first.

Water has been called the miracle liquid of life, because almost everything around us depends on the presence of water.
The human body contains about60% water in adult males, and70% water in adult females. That being the case, it therefore goes to show that for every person to have a fully functional body, that person must as a matter of fact be fully hydrated.
Hydration, that is having enough water in your body allows for optimum levels of health and body function. And that includes, your body’s ability to absorb nutrients from food, drinks, transport and digest everything going into the body. All of these requires sufficient water in the body.
For the body to remain hydrated, it must be supplied with water in different forms. And that can be achieved through the food we eat, our drinks, and the water we take.
One of the major ways that people hydrate their body is via drinking water. And many people get their water from different sources.
In the Urban areas, most people, in the name of looking for the best alternative to the purest forms of water, have settled for the bottled water.
Now the question is…
How Safe Is Your Bottled Water?
Apart from the fact that bottled waters are expensive, do you know that research has found that bottled water which is regarded as “safe drinking water”, is chock full of chemicals?
One study examined 18 different bottled waters from 13 different companies and found over 24,000 chemicals present. And some of these chemicals are“Endocrine Disruptors”.
Endocrine Disruptors are chemicals that can interfere with the hormones system in mammals which include humans. These disruptions can cause cancerous tumors, birth defects, and any other developmental disorders.
According to Martin Wagner, a German scientist and professor at the Frankfurt’s department of Aquatic Ecotoxicology, this is what he has to say about bottled water:
“Bottled water had a higher contamination of chemicals than glass bottles. There are many compounds in bottled water that we don’t want to have there. Part is leaching from the plastic bottles, lids or contamination of the well.”
It’s also noteworthy to know that the packaging of bottled water is done using plastic bottles, and this is known to contain chemicals such as Bisphenol-A (BPA).
BPA is a very toxic chemical linked to several health problems like I mentioned earlier on. Diseases such as cancer, infertility, obesity and diabetes are end results ofBPA which is one of the hormone disruptors.
Additionally, plastic water bottles contain a chemical known as “Phthaletes”. This chemical mimic the hormones in the human body. When exposed to heat or sunlight, it leaks this chemical into the water that is meant for consumption.
So many people feel that drinking bottled water is the safest or purest option of water sources.
Here’s the truth…
Bottled water is NOT as safe as people and industry leaders want you to believe.
If you want to get a better alternative to water purity, invest in an effective water filtration system or device. Ensure all your water is filtered before you drink it. You can filter and store in the fridge.
Alternatively, if you have the resources, you can also boil your drinking water, and allow it to cool before storing in the refrigerator.
The Water Therapy – Healing Power of Water!
Do you know that simply drinking enough water every day can help you avoid a lot of diseases?
For example, I was with a friend last month and he told me that he is currently having some pains at his lower abdomen. We both thought it was Appendicitis.
However, He went to the hospital, and he performed 3 different tests, urine, blood, and a kidney scan.
His kidney scan and blood test came out good and normal. However, his urine tests shows that he has some cysts, or tiny kidney stones.
The doctor told him that the pain he feels at the lower abdomen is as a result of little blockage in the kidney because of the presence of those cysts. If it were a major problem or if these cysts [kidney stones] were larger, the scan would have revealed it. And this would have required a major kidney operation.
And that the only treatment that he can use to dissolve those little cysts or kidney stones and stop those pains, is simply drinking 4 litres of water everyday for 2 weeks.
My friend started this Water therapy. First thing every morning, he takes a litre of water. In the afternoon, he takes 1 litre, and at night, he takes 1 litre, and between breakfast and lunch, he takes half litre. Between lunch and dinner, he takes another half litre of water.
Though it was not easy for him, he had to force himself to gulp a litre of water at a go each time, everyday for 2 weeks.
And guess what?
After 2 weeks, another urine test was taken, and those cysts have disappeared or dissolved gradually overtime. Above all that pain in his lower abdomen stopped.
That is the natural healing power of water in action. No drugs, just water to treat an illness that could have resulted in an expensive kidney operation.
Take Home Points From Lesson Above:
Drinking plenty of water is healthy, very important and doing so on a regular basis can save life.
Drink Plenty Water To Remain Healthy
It very important that you learn how to drink a lot of water regularly. If you weigh anywhere between 60 – 80kg, you can take make it a point to drink 3 litres of water everyday. If you’re 90kg – 110kg, 4 litres of water is better for you.
Some people have actually made it a habit to drink at least 1 litre of water every morning. This helps in detoxification and also help you remain hydrated for the first quarter of the day.
Just make a conscious efforts to drink plenty of water everyday, and you will see that your overall health will improve, your skin texture will improve, and you will hardly fall sick all the time, because you will naturally be on regular detox.
If you don’t drink enough water everyday, your chances of becoming dehydrated is always there. And when this happens, our bodies may become out of balance. Severe dehydration may lead to death in some circumstances.
So the next time you think about drinking water, see it as a liquid not just for satisfying your thirst for water alone, but also as a life sustaining substance that we must DELIBERATELY force into our system to keep our health at optimum performance levels.
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Do you know the Hibiscus flower?
Do you also know that the popular drink called “Zobo drink” is made from the Hibiscus flower?
And that is why this drink is also called the Hibiscus tea.
The word “Zobo” is culled from the name “Zoborodo”, which the northerners in Nigeria gave it.
And yes, the “Zobo” drink is a healthy and medicinal drink as well.
Research studies have shown that among the medicinal values that the “Zobo” drink offers is its ability to tackle high blood pressure.
Several studies have shown that drinking “Zobo” drink has almost the same effectiveness on hypertensive patients as the regular anti-hypertension drugs do.
Here Are Some of Such Research Studies…
Case Study #1
A group of Iranian scientists subjected 60 mildly hypertensive, but diabetic patients whose initial blood pressure readings were 134/80 to a twice daily in take of the Hibiscus tea over a 30 day period. And their blood pressure readings were taken on day 1, day 15, and finally on day 30, and it was discovered that on the 30th day, that their blood pressure readings went down to 112/70.
Though this study was conducted using two groups of people. One group was placed on Hibiscus tea, and the other group on black tea. It was discovered that those on black tea didn’t have as much positive effect on the BP level.
You can read the study yourself from here The Iranian Hibiscus Study on Hypertension.
Case Study #2
According to another authoritative health source, the WebMd, it says, drinking the Hibiscus tea (Zobo drink) 3 times daily helps to lower hypertension.
And for people who have been drinking this tea, it has lowered their systolic blood pressure by an average of 7 points.
A 7-point drop in blood pressure may not look like much, however, when sustained over time, research studies have shown that “even small changes in blood pressure when maintained over time… surely reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack”.
Case Study #3
Other research studies have also been conducted where the hibiscus tea is given to two groups of people. One group is on normal hypertensive drugs (Lisinopril, Zestril, Prinivil; 10 milligrams per day) and the other group on just 250 milligrams of hibiscus as a capsule.
At the end of the study, 4 weeks later, the hibiscus component has almost the same effects with high blood pressure medications. There was a 15 percent decrease in the group that took regular medications, while there was a 12 percent decrease in blood pressure reading among those taking hibiscus.
All of these research evidence is telling us that every hypertensive person can actually improve his/her condition by learning how to take the “Zobo” drink at least twice every day, and possibly replace this medications with this natural drink.
If you want to know whether this is effective, try doing that for a 30 days period, and I’m sure your blood pressure readings will be lowered, and since it has the same effects with the chemical drugs, there may be no need to continue taking the medication drugs every day.
However, caution should be exercised as every hypertensive patients as a matter of fact must have his blood pressure checked regularly. Having a home electronic blood pressure monitor may be the best to know whether to continue taking your hypertensive drugs or not after using the Hibiscus tea for a while.
Apart from helping to lower blood pressure, the “Zobo” drink also has other positive health effects.
Other Health Benefits of The “Zobo” Drink
In spite of the fact that Zobo drink is a healthy choice, there are some health dangers when taken by certain group of persons.
Please DO NOT drink the “Zobo” drink if you fall among these people.
How can you prepare it if you do not trust the sanitary conditions of the ones sold in the market?
How To Prepare The “Zobo” Drink At Home
Ingredients Needed
Preparation Procedure
Once you have it made and refrigerated, you can store in the fridge and take as many times as you wish.
Reasons Why Hibiscus Lowers Blood Pressure
Many have wondered why hibiscus or the “Zobo” drink lowers blood pressure successfully.
Well, according to research studies, it has been discovered that Hibiscus has adiuretic properties, that is ability to open arteries, and helps the body to slow the release of hormones that constricts blood vessels, this effect reduces the pressure exerted on the walls of blood vessels, by the action of the heart to pump blood to other parts of the body, which consequently leads to a lowering of blood pressure in hypertensive people.
Above all, the Hibiscus (Zobo) drink is a 100% natural plant with no additives, or chemicals that go through industrial process, so it is a safe alternative for health reasons.
For a hypertensive patient, it’s always a good idea to give it a try, and if possible lower the amount of medication drugs used daily.
However, to maintain your blood pressure for life, a decrease in your weight is a MUST.
The reason is because obesity or being overweight puts more pressure on the heart to pump blood to the rest of the body which ultimately causes hypertension over time.
If you want to maintain your blood pressure or say good bye to hypertension, there are few natural things you need to do.
Click here to get Clean-9
Nature has provided us with all the medicine we need to be healthy. And it has done this through the provision of plants which some of our foods come from. In fact it is said that Food is Medicine. If we make the attempt to live a healthy life, then sicknesses like hypertension, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and heart diseases will never affect us, and we can live long enough.
The “Zobo” drink apart from its nutritional and health values is one of the most refreshing drinks you can have in your refrigerator. Overtime, you will come to love this wonderful natural drink and your body will thank you for it.
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Do you also know that the popular drink called “Zobo drink” is made from the Hibiscus flower?
And that is why this drink is also called the Hibiscus tea.
The word “Zobo” is culled from the name “Zoborodo”, which the northerners in Nigeria gave it.
And yes, the “Zobo” drink is a healthy and medicinal drink as well.
Research studies have shown that among the medicinal values that the “Zobo” drink offers is its ability to tackle high blood pressure.
Several studies have shown that drinking “Zobo” drink has almost the same effectiveness on hypertensive patients as the regular anti-hypertension drugs do.
Here Are Some of Such Research Studies…
Case Study #1
A group of Iranian scientists subjected 60 mildly hypertensive, but diabetic patients whose initial blood pressure readings were 134/80 to a twice daily in take of the Hibiscus tea over a 30 day period. And their blood pressure readings were taken on day 1, day 15, and finally on day 30, and it was discovered that on the 30th day, that their blood pressure readings went down to 112/70.
Though this study was conducted using two groups of people. One group was placed on Hibiscus tea, and the other group on black tea. It was discovered that those on black tea didn’t have as much positive effect on the BP level.
You can read the study yourself from here The Iranian Hibiscus Study on Hypertension.
Case Study #2
According to another authoritative health source, the WebMd, it says, drinking the Hibiscus tea (Zobo drink) 3 times daily helps to lower hypertension.
And for people who have been drinking this tea, it has lowered their systolic blood pressure by an average of 7 points.
A 7-point drop in blood pressure may not look like much, however, when sustained over time, research studies have shown that “even small changes in blood pressure when maintained over time… surely reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack”.
Case Study #3
Other research studies have also been conducted where the hibiscus tea is given to two groups of people. One group is on normal hypertensive drugs (Lisinopril, Zestril, Prinivil; 10 milligrams per day) and the other group on just 250 milligrams of hibiscus as a capsule.
At the end of the study, 4 weeks later, the hibiscus component has almost the same effects with high blood pressure medications. There was a 15 percent decrease in the group that took regular medications, while there was a 12 percent decrease in blood pressure reading among those taking hibiscus.
All of these research evidence is telling us that every hypertensive person can actually improve his/her condition by learning how to take the “Zobo” drink at least twice every day, and possibly replace this medications with this natural drink.
If you want to know whether this is effective, try doing that for a 30 days period, and I’m sure your blood pressure readings will be lowered, and since it has the same effects with the chemical drugs, there may be no need to continue taking the medication drugs every day.
However, caution should be exercised as every hypertensive patients as a matter of fact must have his blood pressure checked regularly. Having a home electronic blood pressure monitor may be the best to know whether to continue taking your hypertensive drugs or not after using the Hibiscus tea for a while.
Apart from helping to lower blood pressure, the “Zobo” drink also has other positive health effects.
Other Health Benefits of The “Zobo” Drink
- It is very rich in vitamin C
- Help in preventing bladder infections
- Good source of anti-oxidants
- Controls cholesterol build up
- Treats people with athlete’s foot fungus
In spite of the fact that Zobo drink is a healthy choice, there are some health dangers when taken by certain group of persons.
Please DO NOT drink the “Zobo” drink if you fall among these people.
- If you’re pregnant or nursing a baby, as effects on child development is not yet studied.
- If you’re currently on anti-inflammatory medication, or taken drugs containingAcetaminophen, such as Actifed, some cold & cough medicines likeCodeine, and some pain relievers.
- If you have low blood pressure, as the tea could lower your blood pressure further which could be bad for your health.
- If you’re driving or operating a heavy machinery as the tea sometimes causes drowsiness.
How can you prepare it if you do not trust the sanitary conditions of the ones sold in the market?
How To Prepare The “Zobo” Drink At Home
Ingredients Needed
- 4 or 5 litres of water
- 5 or 6 cups of dried hibiscus(zobo) leaves
- 3 or 4 fingers of Ginger
- 1 or 2 sachets of Pineapple flavor
Preparation Procedure
- Step 1: Pick out all the unwanted substance from the Zobo leaves.
- Step 2: Place 4 litres of water on the cooking stove.
- Step 3: Wash the Zobo leaves briefly in water, and transfer immediately to the boiling water. Please DO NOT soak, as this will wash away the nutrients.
- Step 4: Cook to boil, then add your pounded or sliced ginger into the mix.
- Step 5: Add the sweetener or your favourite flavour as well.
- Step 6: Allow to boil for another 10 – 15 minutes.
- Step 7: Filter the content with a bottle and refrigerate
Once you have it made and refrigerated, you can store in the fridge and take as many times as you wish.
Reasons Why Hibiscus Lowers Blood Pressure
Many have wondered why hibiscus or the “Zobo” drink lowers blood pressure successfully.
Well, according to research studies, it has been discovered that Hibiscus has adiuretic properties, that is ability to open arteries, and helps the body to slow the release of hormones that constricts blood vessels, this effect reduces the pressure exerted on the walls of blood vessels, by the action of the heart to pump blood to other parts of the body, which consequently leads to a lowering of blood pressure in hypertensive people.
Above all, the Hibiscus (Zobo) drink is a 100% natural plant with no additives, or chemicals that go through industrial process, so it is a safe alternative for health reasons.
For a hypertensive patient, it’s always a good idea to give it a try, and if possible lower the amount of medication drugs used daily.
However, to maintain your blood pressure for life, a decrease in your weight is a MUST.
The reason is because obesity or being overweight puts more pressure on the heart to pump blood to the rest of the body which ultimately causes hypertension over time.
If you want to maintain your blood pressure or say good bye to hypertension, there are few natural things you need to do.
- Lose weight
- Have enough rest (sleep for 7 – 8 hours daily)
- Eat healthy and natural
- Exercise regularly
- Make taking the “Zobo” drink a regular thing
Click here to get Clean-9
Nature has provided us with all the medicine we need to be healthy. And it has done this through the provision of plants which some of our foods come from. In fact it is said that Food is Medicine. If we make the attempt to live a healthy life, then sicknesses like hypertension, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and heart diseases will never affect us, and we can live long enough.
The “Zobo” drink apart from its nutritional and health values is one of the most refreshing drinks you can have in your refrigerator. Overtime, you will come to love this wonderful natural drink and your body will thank you for it.
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If I ask you this question would you be able to answer?
What exactly is the work your liver do in your body?
I will help you answer that question…
Your liver is responsible for blood cleansing. And that also means the work of taking out toxins from the body is part of this work. Research studies have found that the liver has about 500 jobs it can do.
Among them are…
How To Maintain A Healthy Liver
If you want to live long, it’s very important that you maintain a healthy liver. And that means, you will have to avoid the intake of anything that could cause harm to the liver.
One example of such drinks that could harm the liver is Alcohol. Yes, alcohol is bad for your liver. It can actually damage the cells of your liver when you take too much of it.
There are several type of alcohol related liver diseases such as; alcoholic hepatitis, alcoholic cirrhosis, fatty liver diseases etc.
If you want to prevent any occurrence of liver disease, it’s always a good thing to learn how to drink less alcohol, if you can’t do without alcohol.
And for the heavy drinkers, it’s always better to quit drinking completely.
To maintain a healthy liver, you will need to get to a healthy weight with exercises and a balanced meal planning.
If you’re already overweight, you can use any of our weight products to work on your weight and get down to the size you want.
If you want a quick solution, the Clean-9 supplement will help you lose your first 5 – 7kg within the first 9 days, then you can go ahead to lose the rest with food planning and dieting.
Using a strategic food planning and exercise approach will take you longer, but it is more stable and the chances of gaining it back is heavily reduced. If you need a guide in that line, our weight loss guide Flat Belly Miracle will help you.
Get The Flat Belly Miracle Product Here
Should You Detoxify Your Liver?
To detoxify means to get rid of toxins from your body. This therapy is a life sustaining natural treatment to help us remain healthy and fit.
It is always necessary that we detoxify our liver and bodies periodically like every 3 to 6 months. Doing this will help us to lose weight, cleanse our system and blood of toxins, diseases and infections that comes from the effect of excessive toxin build up in the body. Yes you should detoxify your body regularly.
If you want to start, you can use Clean-9 supplement or the 4 Week Detox diet to begin. If you’re already overweight, and want the fast effect of detoxification and losing weight at the same time within 9 days or less, I will suggest you go for the 9-Day Clean-9 Pack.
You Can Click Here To Get Clean-9 Pack
If you would rather prefer to lose weight gradually over a 30 day period, then go for the 4-week detox program.
Click Here To Get 4-Week Detox Diet
This will help you to cleanse your liver and help you to lose weight at the same time.
To Care For Your Liver, Watch The Type of Drugs You Put Into Your Mouth.
Some pain killers medicine contain a component called “Acetaminophen”. Drugs like cold and pain medicines contains this ingredients. If you take too much of it, it could cause liver damage.
When you have taken such medications for more than 2 weeks at a time, then there is a chance that it is becoming too much in your system.
And Finally, Learn How to Prevent Hepatitis.
Hepatitis is a serious liver disease. There are several of them; Hepatitis A, B and C.
You can get Hepatitis A from eating or drinking water that has the virus that causes the disease.
As for Hepatitis B and C are spread through blood and body fluids. If you want to cut the risks of this type of Hepatitis, DO NOT share household items like toothbrushes, needles, razors and clippers for cutting hair.
Because these items cuts through the gums, skin, and can get the disease from the fluid of someone who has the virus of the disease to the next user.
For now, Hepatitis A, and B, can be treated, and has vaccines, but Hepatitis C do not yet have a vaccine.
The best way to know if you have a healthy liver is to go for a blood test, because Liver disease or Hepatitis doesn’t sometimes have any symptoms, and when the liver is damaged, it could be fatal in some cases.
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What exactly is the work your liver do in your body?
I will help you answer that question…
Your liver is responsible for blood cleansing. And that also means the work of taking out toxins from the body is part of this work. Research studies have found that the liver has about 500 jobs it can do.
Among them are…
- The production of Bile (A liquid that helps in food digestion)
- The conversion of food and drinks taken to energy, and nutrients
- It helps in blood clotting (Control blood flow when injuries happen).
How To Maintain A Healthy Liver
If you want to live long, it’s very important that you maintain a healthy liver. And that means, you will have to avoid the intake of anything that could cause harm to the liver.
One example of such drinks that could harm the liver is Alcohol. Yes, alcohol is bad for your liver. It can actually damage the cells of your liver when you take too much of it.
There are several type of alcohol related liver diseases such as; alcoholic hepatitis, alcoholic cirrhosis, fatty liver diseases etc.
If you want to prevent any occurrence of liver disease, it’s always a good thing to learn how to drink less alcohol, if you can’t do without alcohol.
And for the heavy drinkers, it’s always better to quit drinking completely.
To maintain a healthy liver, you will need to get to a healthy weight with exercises and a balanced meal planning.
If you’re already overweight, you can use any of our weight products to work on your weight and get down to the size you want.
If you want a quick solution, the Clean-9 supplement will help you lose your first 5 – 7kg within the first 9 days, then you can go ahead to lose the rest with food planning and dieting.
Using a strategic food planning and exercise approach will take you longer, but it is more stable and the chances of gaining it back is heavily reduced. If you need a guide in that line, our weight loss guide Flat Belly Miracle will help you.
Get The Flat Belly Miracle Product Here
Should You Detoxify Your Liver?
To detoxify means to get rid of toxins from your body. This therapy is a life sustaining natural treatment to help us remain healthy and fit.
It is always necessary that we detoxify our liver and bodies periodically like every 3 to 6 months. Doing this will help us to lose weight, cleanse our system and blood of toxins, diseases and infections that comes from the effect of excessive toxin build up in the body. Yes you should detoxify your body regularly.
If you want to start, you can use Clean-9 supplement or the 4 Week Detox diet to begin. If you’re already overweight, and want the fast effect of detoxification and losing weight at the same time within 9 days or less, I will suggest you go for the 9-Day Clean-9 Pack.
You Can Click Here To Get Clean-9 Pack
If you would rather prefer to lose weight gradually over a 30 day period, then go for the 4-week detox program.
Click Here To Get 4-Week Detox Diet
This will help you to cleanse your liver and help you to lose weight at the same time.
To Care For Your Liver, Watch The Type of Drugs You Put Into Your Mouth.
Some pain killers medicine contain a component called “Acetaminophen”. Drugs like cold and pain medicines contains this ingredients. If you take too much of it, it could cause liver damage.
When you have taken such medications for more than 2 weeks at a time, then there is a chance that it is becoming too much in your system.
And Finally, Learn How to Prevent Hepatitis.
Hepatitis is a serious liver disease. There are several of them; Hepatitis A, B and C.
You can get Hepatitis A from eating or drinking water that has the virus that causes the disease.
As for Hepatitis B and C are spread through blood and body fluids. If you want to cut the risks of this type of Hepatitis, DO NOT share household items like toothbrushes, needles, razors and clippers for cutting hair.
Because these items cuts through the gums, skin, and can get the disease from the fluid of someone who has the virus of the disease to the next user.
For now, Hepatitis A, and B, can be treated, and has vaccines, but Hepatitis C do not yet have a vaccine.
The best way to know if you have a healthy liver is to go for a blood test, because Liver disease or Hepatitis doesn’t sometimes have any symptoms, and when the liver is damaged, it could be fatal in some cases.
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For over 2 years, I have got requests upon requests to write on this very topic. I have been putting it off for a very long time.
Finally, I decided to create time to do some research on this most common health problems about women, and what I found is the result of this eye opening article.
Please read, digest the information, and if you or someone you know is affected by this disease, you can forward this piece to them so that they too can become as informed as you are. I’m sure you will enjoy it.
What Is a Fibroid?
Fibroids are known as non-cancerous growths found in or on the muscular wall of the womb.
These growths vary in sizes. Some fibroids can be as small as a pea, while others can be as large as a 7 or 8 month old foetus.
In other words, some women that have fibroids that size would be believed to be pregnant, when they are not.
Fibroids are given different names depending on where they grow inside a woman.
Types of Fibroids
Fibroids seem to run in some families, but there is no research evidence that is currently available to prove that fibroid is genetic.
What Are The Symptoms?
Fibroids has one major symptom and that happens when a woman has heavy periods.
The heavy periods is caused by the growth of fibroids inside the womb and this disrupts the normal function of the menstrual flow.
Most women who have fibroids, experience no pain at all, whereas, others do. Usually, this pain is a slight pain caused because of the pressure exerted by the fibroid, which causes a dragging sensation in the abdomen.
In most cases, however, fibroids patient may not notice it, if the fibroid growth does not exert any pressure on the neighbouring organs.
And for these people, they can live with the fibroid for many years without problem.
Still in other cases, fibroids have caused infertility in women, and have been responsible for many miscarriages that happen among women. If a woman has fibroid, it may be difficult to maintain the growth of a baby till childbirth happens.
Miscarriages happen in women with fibroids because, these fibroid growth most times are so enlarged in the womb that it distorts the normal space that the baby occupies for growth.
Furthermore, because of this distortion, a fertilized egg will have problem with implantation on the walls or lining of the uterus because a fibroid is there already. When implantation fails to happen, miscarriage may result.
Other possible symptoms of fibroids can happen if the fibroid presses or exerts pressure on organs such as the bladder or bowel. In this situation because these organs are always “under pressure”, the sufferer will now experience frequent urination, constipation or even backache.
Some women may experience lower abdominal swelling, making it look as if they are in their early stage of pregnancy, whereas they’re not.
Causes and Side Effects of Fibroid
What exactly is responsible for the growth of Fibroids in the body?
Currently doctors and scientists DO NOT know the exact causes of Uterine Fibroids. However, researches and clinical experiences point to just two factors that may be responsible.
1. Hereditary Factors
Experiences has shown in many clinical cases that fibroids run in families. Though this study do not have any research or scientific proof to back it up.
2. The Estrogen And Progesterone Hormones
There are two hormones that is responsible in stimulating the development of the uterine lining during each menstrual cycle in preparation for pregnancy.
These two hormones are called Estrogen and Progesterone. It appears these two hormones promote the growth of Fibroid in women when the presence of these hormones are more than normal in the body.
In other words there is an Estrogen Dominance in the body of victims because fibroids contain more estrogen and progesterone receptors than normal uterine muscles do.
Effects of Estrogen Dominance In The Body
When there is too much Estrogen in the body, beside the cause of Fibroids, it brings along with it the following health problems.
There is a woman I used to know who had the problem of Fibroid for many years. Fortunately for the woman, her fibroid was discovered when she had her first child, a baby girl.
Doctors advised her to go for a surgery to remove the fibroid. But she was unwilling to do so. After the first child was born, having another child became a great problem.
Most pregnancies thereafter resulted to miscarriages. At the end of the day, the woman gave in to her doctors’ advise and went for a surgery.
The Fibroid was removed. About 18 months later, it was discovered that the fibroid has grown again, and she had another surgery.
Almost 2 years after the second surgery, yet another fibroid growth was noticed in her body.
She gave up trying to remove the fibroid via a surgery. Eventually, she used a special medication and melted away all the fibroid.
Almost 8 years after her first pregnancy, she conceived again, and this time, she was able to maintain the pregnancy – no miscarriage- till the baby was born.
And guess what?
It is a baby boy. More on this later in this article.
Treatment [Shrinking Fibroid Growth]
Fibroid can be treated in two ways, and we are going to look at them one by one.
Treatment #1 – Surgery
The quickest way to solve the problem of fibroid is through surgery. However, there are a lot disadvantages going this route.
The experience of the woman I related about earlier actually had two major operations on fibroid, and after sometime, the fibroid came back.
Do you know why there is a high chance of the Fibroid to grow back after it has been removed from the body?
It is because surgery DO NOT treat the CAUSE of Fibroid. It only treats the symptoms and the manifestation of the disease. That is, cutting off the fibroid tissue.
The known cause of Fibroid is Estrogen Dominance. In other words, the only way to stop the growth of fibroid is to limit everything that causes the production of excess Estrogen hormones to be stored in the body.
The presence of excess estrogen hormones in the body feeds the growth of fibroid, meaning that, as long as this estrogen level is NOT MINIMIZED, the fibroid growth will continue.
And that also means, cutting off the fibroid via a surgery is only a temporary solution, not a permament one. It will grow back to replace the one cut off in a short time.
If you want to treat the problem of Fibroid, you need to eliminate what feeds the fibroid to grow. When that happens, if there are existing fibroids, they will starve, and gradually shrink to death.
Treatment #2 – Herbal Remedies
The next more reliable but slow method to actually shrink the fibroid to death is to use herbal remedies for 3 months.
Here are the things you need to do.
1. Strengthen Your Liver
The first thing you need to do to strengthen your liver is to detoxify your body from other contaminants. Your liver metabolizes the estrogen that is available in the body.
If the liver is overloaded and overworked, it will not be able to to metabolize the estrogen to the normal level responsible for pregnancy to occur or just to the normal level for a human body.
When I say you have to detoxify your body this time, I do not mean the 3 days detox, or 7 days detox or even 30 days detoxification. You will need to detoxify your body continuously for 90 days, thereafter you can continue like that once in a while if you like.
Detoxification makes the liver stronger and helps it to work at optimal capacity.
And to do this, you will be needing the help of one of the trusted herbal products for fibroid. It’s called Fibrofit.
2. Decrease The Amount of Estrogen Hormones In Your Body
To control the amount of Estrogen in your body, you will need to watch what you eat. You must as a matter of fact, eliminate poor diet. Your food choices must be a selection of the most natural foods you can find.
And that means, you will avoid foods that could trigger the production of the hormone Estrogen.
And that also means, you will cut out foods like…
3. Use Natural Dietary Supplements
It is a known fact that we can not get all the nutrients we need in the body from the foods we eat, we need to supplement our diets to help us with adequate supply of these nutrients.
The herbal supplements that actually helped the woman that I told her story earlier, is called FibroFit.
This herbal supplement has a total of 5 individual products, each one plays a vital role in helping you to shrink the fibroid growth available in the body.
And they do this by helping in the metabolism of the hormone Estrogen and with the assistance of a cleaned or detoxified Liver, the right quantities of this hormone is maintained resulting in the shrinking of the fibroid over a few months period. It is suggested you use it for 3 months for maximum result.
You will start noticing visible signs of your health improving from the second week of using FibroFit.
If you need FibroFit, you can get it by clicking here. Get FibroFit Here!
When you endeavour to treat [shrink] fibroid using natural method, you will start noticing changes in your body from the second week. Your fibroids will shrink month by month and you will find out that your menstrual cycles continue to improve as each month passes by.
Your life will improve, and your energy levels will rise as your body is restored.
If you contemplate surgery, I think you should first try this option for 3 months, go back to the hospital to check if the fibroid is still the same or not, before finally deciding.
Whatever you do, let consistency be your keyword when making these life changes so that your body will remain a healthy and unfriendly environment for fibroid growth to happen.
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Finally, I decided to create time to do some research on this most common health problems about women, and what I found is the result of this eye opening article.
Please read, digest the information, and if you or someone you know is affected by this disease, you can forward this piece to them so that they too can become as informed as you are. I’m sure you will enjoy it.
What Is a Fibroid?

These growths vary in sizes. Some fibroids can be as small as a pea, while others can be as large as a 7 or 8 month old foetus.
In other words, some women that have fibroids that size would be believed to be pregnant, when they are not.
Fibroids are given different names depending on where they grow inside a woman.
Types of Fibroids
- Fibroids that grow on the inside of the womb is called Submucosal fibroids.
- Fibroids that grows on the wall of the womb is called Intramural fibroids.
- Fibroids that grows on the outside of the womb is called Subserol fibroids.
Fibroids seem to run in some families, but there is no research evidence that is currently available to prove that fibroid is genetic.
What Are The Symptoms?
Fibroids has one major symptom and that happens when a woman has heavy periods.
The heavy periods is caused by the growth of fibroids inside the womb and this disrupts the normal function of the menstrual flow.
Most women who have fibroids, experience no pain at all, whereas, others do. Usually, this pain is a slight pain caused because of the pressure exerted by the fibroid, which causes a dragging sensation in the abdomen.
In most cases, however, fibroids patient may not notice it, if the fibroid growth does not exert any pressure on the neighbouring organs.
And for these people, they can live with the fibroid for many years without problem.
Still in other cases, fibroids have caused infertility in women, and have been responsible for many miscarriages that happen among women. If a woman has fibroid, it may be difficult to maintain the growth of a baby till childbirth happens.
Miscarriages happen in women with fibroids because, these fibroid growth most times are so enlarged in the womb that it distorts the normal space that the baby occupies for growth.
Furthermore, because of this distortion, a fertilized egg will have problem with implantation on the walls or lining of the uterus because a fibroid is there already. When implantation fails to happen, miscarriage may result.
Other possible symptoms of fibroids can happen if the fibroid presses or exerts pressure on organs such as the bladder or bowel. In this situation because these organs are always “under pressure”, the sufferer will now experience frequent urination, constipation or even backache.
Some women may experience lower abdominal swelling, making it look as if they are in their early stage of pregnancy, whereas they’re not.
Causes and Side Effects of Fibroid
What exactly is responsible for the growth of Fibroids in the body?

Currently doctors and scientists DO NOT know the exact causes of Uterine Fibroids. However, researches and clinical experiences point to just two factors that may be responsible.
1. Hereditary Factors
Experiences has shown in many clinical cases that fibroids run in families. Though this study do not have any research or scientific proof to back it up.
2. The Estrogen And Progesterone Hormones
There are two hormones that is responsible in stimulating the development of the uterine lining during each menstrual cycle in preparation for pregnancy.
These two hormones are called Estrogen and Progesterone. It appears these two hormones promote the growth of Fibroid in women when the presence of these hormones are more than normal in the body.
In other words there is an Estrogen Dominance in the body of victims because fibroids contain more estrogen and progesterone receptors than normal uterine muscles do.
Effects of Estrogen Dominance In The Body
When there is too much Estrogen in the body, beside the cause of Fibroids, it brings along with it the following health problems.
- The formation of small cysts (tumor) inside the breasts
- Risk of Cancer growth in the breast and other areas of the body
- Hair loss
- Acne
- Infertility
- Weight gain
- Hormonal Imbalance
There is a woman I used to know who had the problem of Fibroid for many years. Fortunately for the woman, her fibroid was discovered when she had her first child, a baby girl.
Doctors advised her to go for a surgery to remove the fibroid. But she was unwilling to do so. After the first child was born, having another child became a great problem.
Most pregnancies thereafter resulted to miscarriages. At the end of the day, the woman gave in to her doctors’ advise and went for a surgery.
The Fibroid was removed. About 18 months later, it was discovered that the fibroid has grown again, and she had another surgery.
Almost 2 years after the second surgery, yet another fibroid growth was noticed in her body.
She gave up trying to remove the fibroid via a surgery. Eventually, she used a special medication and melted away all the fibroid.
Almost 8 years after her first pregnancy, she conceived again, and this time, she was able to maintain the pregnancy – no miscarriage- till the baby was born.
And guess what?
It is a baby boy. More on this later in this article.
Treatment [Shrinking Fibroid Growth]
Fibroid can be treated in two ways, and we are going to look at them one by one.
Treatment #1 – Surgery
The quickest way to solve the problem of fibroid is through surgery. However, there are a lot disadvantages going this route.

The experience of the woman I related about earlier actually had two major operations on fibroid, and after sometime, the fibroid came back.
Do you know why there is a high chance of the Fibroid to grow back after it has been removed from the body?
It is because surgery DO NOT treat the CAUSE of Fibroid. It only treats the symptoms and the manifestation of the disease. That is, cutting off the fibroid tissue.
The known cause of Fibroid is Estrogen Dominance. In other words, the only way to stop the growth of fibroid is to limit everything that causes the production of excess Estrogen hormones to be stored in the body.
The presence of excess estrogen hormones in the body feeds the growth of fibroid, meaning that, as long as this estrogen level is NOT MINIMIZED, the fibroid growth will continue.
And that also means, cutting off the fibroid via a surgery is only a temporary solution, not a permament one. It will grow back to replace the one cut off in a short time.
If you want to treat the problem of Fibroid, you need to eliminate what feeds the fibroid to grow. When that happens, if there are existing fibroids, they will starve, and gradually shrink to death.
Treatment #2 – Herbal Remedies
The next more reliable but slow method to actually shrink the fibroid to death is to use herbal remedies for 3 months.
Here are the things you need to do.
1. Strengthen Your Liver
The first thing you need to do to strengthen your liver is to detoxify your body from other contaminants. Your liver metabolizes the estrogen that is available in the body.
If the liver is overloaded and overworked, it will not be able to to metabolize the estrogen to the normal level responsible for pregnancy to occur or just to the normal level for a human body.
When I say you have to detoxify your body this time, I do not mean the 3 days detox, or 7 days detox or even 30 days detoxification. You will need to detoxify your body continuously for 90 days, thereafter you can continue like that once in a while if you like.
Detoxification makes the liver stronger and helps it to work at optimal capacity.
And to do this, you will be needing the help of one of the trusted herbal products for fibroid. It’s called Fibrofit.
2. Decrease The Amount of Estrogen Hormones In Your Body
To control the amount of Estrogen in your body, you will need to watch what you eat. You must as a matter of fact, eliminate poor diet. Your food choices must be a selection of the most natural foods you can find.
And that means, you will avoid foods that could trigger the production of the hormone Estrogen.
And that also means, you will cut out foods like…
- Diary foods
- Alcohol
- Completely eliminate sugar from your foods
- Caffeine
- All processed foods
3. Use Natural Dietary Supplements
It is a known fact that we can not get all the nutrients we need in the body from the foods we eat, we need to supplement our diets to help us with adequate supply of these nutrients.
The herbal supplements that actually helped the woman that I told her story earlier, is called FibroFit.
This herbal supplement has a total of 5 individual products, each one plays a vital role in helping you to shrink the fibroid growth available in the body.
And they do this by helping in the metabolism of the hormone Estrogen and with the assistance of a cleaned or detoxified Liver, the right quantities of this hormone is maintained resulting in the shrinking of the fibroid over a few months period. It is suggested you use it for 3 months for maximum result.
You will start noticing visible signs of your health improving from the second week of using FibroFit.
If you need FibroFit, you can get it by clicking here. Get FibroFit Here!
When you endeavour to treat [shrink] fibroid using natural method, you will start noticing changes in your body from the second week. Your fibroids will shrink month by month and you will find out that your menstrual cycles continue to improve as each month passes by.
Your life will improve, and your energy levels will rise as your body is restored.
If you contemplate surgery, I think you should first try this option for 3 months, go back to the hospital to check if the fibroid is still the same or not, before finally deciding.
Whatever you do, let consistency be your keyword when making these life changes so that your body will remain a healthy and unfriendly environment for fibroid growth to happen.
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Today’s article is a little off the theme of this blog. However, since over 79% of my readers are made up of women, some of who have asked me countless times to write on this topic, I have decided to do so.
Moreso, obesity is one of the reasons why conception may not happen in some marriages, so I feel this topic is also an important health related issue that must be addressed.
In many homes today, the problem of conceiving a child is becoming one of the fastest growing trends in Nigeria and elsewhere.
The problem is becoming a plague because there is an alarming statistic of this everywhere you look around.
In Nigeria, according to Medical World, between 20 to 25 percent of married couples are unable to conceive within the first or second year of marriage.
And that is why about 40 to 45 percent of all consultations done in gynaecological clinics are infertility related.
In the U.S, it follow a similar trend…
One in every four U.S couples has infertility problems. 40 percent of this is due to female factors, and another 40 percent due to male factors, while the rest 20 percent is due to a combination of both causes.
So you can see, that this is a prevalent problem indeed.
Now the question is…
What Exactly Is Infertility?
Infertility is defined as the inability of a woman to become pregnant after a year or more of sperm insemination or well-timed, unprotected vaginal intercourse.
Infertility may be a temporary or a permanent condition; this depends on the available treatments, the cause, and the fertility of the partner at any particular point in time.
In general, infertility is seen or known as a “woman’s problem”. The reality is, the problem is both ways. If a couple is having problem with conception, the fastest way to solve it is to have both the man and woman evaluated, and treated because the problem could be from any one of them or both of them.
The reason is because conception depends on the following factors…
Here are some of the possible causes of Infertility
Sometimes, a man is born with problems affecting his sperms, and he will have problem with producing quality sperm that can impregnate a woman.
Some other time, this problems could be caused because of injury or illness.
In general there are certain risk factors, or things that we do everyday that could cause infertility in marriages.
Here are some of them…
Most of the health problems we have (Infertility inclusive), is due to what we eat or do. It is also a known fact that we can not get all the nutrients we need to be healthy in the foods we eat.
Therefore, we need food supplementation to help us because food is medicine on its own.
One very good food supplement that a couple suffering from the problems of infertility can use is “Fertility Boost”.
This product helps the woman especially, and many women who used it have seen serious changes, and conception has happened.
You need to supplement your normal foods with this powerful all natural product to help you increase your chance of conception.
You can get this product by clicking here. Get Fertility Boost Here!
1. Lose Weight To Booster Fertility For Women
If you want to increase your chance of conception, you need to lose weight as soon as you can. The reason is body fat produces the Estrogen hormone, and too much Estrogen in the body impairs your ability to conceive.
Being too thin could also cause infertility because without enough body fat, you may not be able to ovulate normally.
And if you want to lose weight quickly to increase your chance of conception, you may need the Clean-9 product to help you achieve this in record time.
Use this link to get Clean-9
2. Supplementation For The Man
The man should ensure that he protects his sperm by using a regular dose of Vitamin C twice daily. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that work by blocking off the action of free radicals that causes cell damage to the body.
To enhance fertility greatly, the man also needs, just like the woman a fertility product. This time around, he could use “VITOFIT For Men”. This one is a 100% natural supplement for sexual health.
“VITOFIT For Men” helps in addition to boosting fertility in men, it helps the man to maintain stamina, prevent fatigue during sex, promote libido, sexual potency and energy, increase sperm count, and improve a healthy prostrate condition.
You can get “VITOFIT For Men” By Clicking Here!
3. Time Your Fertile Periods And Conceive
Conception happens during the most fertile days of the woman, and if the man has a healthy sexual state, conception could happen if sexual intercourse takes place.
It’s important that the woman know how to calculate her fertile days if she has regular ovulation which supplementation can help achieve, that way the most fertile days for conception can be determined.
If you’re really interested in solving the problem of infertility, it’s vital that you invest in a quality supplements, because infertility in men and women may be linked to nutrient deficiency.
Bear in mind that it takes a minimum of 3 months for immature eggs in the ovaries to mature enough to be released during ovulation in women. For the men, it takes about 3 months for the sperm cells to be fully matured and to provide quality sperm, quality supplements are needed during this time period.
And those quality supplements can be found in the “Fertility Booster” for women, and “VITOFIT For Men”, both of which you can order immediately and have it delivered to you in days.
Above all and ultimately, I believe in God, and making the issue of infertility a matter of prayer is very important, as the source of life is from the Almighty One above. [Personal opinion]
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In many homes today, the problem of conceiving a child is becoming one of the fastest growing trends in Nigeria and elsewhere.
The problem is becoming a plague because there is an alarming statistic of this everywhere you look around.
In Nigeria, according to Medical World, between 20 to 25 percent of married couples are unable to conceive within the first or second year of marriage.
And that is why about 40 to 45 percent of all consultations done in gynaecological clinics are infertility related.
In the U.S, it follow a similar trend…
One in every four U.S couples has infertility problems. 40 percent of this is due to female factors, and another 40 percent due to male factors, while the rest 20 percent is due to a combination of both causes.
So you can see, that this is a prevalent problem indeed.
Now the question is…
What Exactly Is Infertility?
Infertility is defined as the inability of a woman to become pregnant after a year or more of sperm insemination or well-timed, unprotected vaginal intercourse.
Infertility may be a temporary or a permanent condition; this depends on the available treatments, the cause, and the fertility of the partner at any particular point in time.
In general, infertility is seen or known as a “woman’s problem”. The reality is, the problem is both ways. If a couple is having problem with conception, the fastest way to solve it is to have both the man and woman evaluated, and treated because the problem could be from any one of them or both of them.
The reason is because conception depends on the following factors…
- For conception to happen, the man must produce a healthy spam, and the woman a healthy egg.
- The sperm’s ability to reach the egg after intercourse
- The sperm’s ability to fertilize the egg when they meet
- If the fallopian tubes are not blocked, access to the egg by the sperm is enhanced
- The ability of the fertilized eggs to become implanted in the uterus.
- Primary Infertility is for women who have never become pregnant in their lives
- Secondary infertility is for women who have given birth the first time, but having problem with conceiving again.
- Infertility Miscarriages. Recurrent Miscarriage is for women who experience two or more successive miscarriages.
Here are some of the possible causes of Infertility
- Chronic Illnesses and their associated treatments
- Diabetes
- Antidepressant drugs could lead to irregular menstrual cycles
- Treatments or drugs for hypertension could cause male infertility
- Low sperm count, low quality sperm could be caused from various factors
- Cancer treatments, radiation therapy near reproductive organs could make them become infertile.
- Sexually transmitted diseases could cause blockage of the fallopian tube and prevent access to entry of the sperm.
- Uterine fibroid
Sometimes, a man is born with problems affecting his sperms, and he will have problem with producing quality sperm that can impregnate a woman.
Some other time, this problems could be caused because of injury or illness.
In general there are certain risk factors, or things that we do everyday that could cause infertility in marriages.
Here are some of them…
- Tobacco smoking
- Stress
- Poor diet
- Alcohol
- Being overweight or underweight
- Cancer
- Environmental toxins, pesticides and lead
- Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
- Ill-health that causes hormonal changes in women
- Medications for certain illness
- Cancer radiation treatment and chemotherapy
- Aging
Most of the health problems we have (Infertility inclusive), is due to what we eat or do. It is also a known fact that we can not get all the nutrients we need to be healthy in the foods we eat.
Therefore, we need food supplementation to help us because food is medicine on its own.
One very good food supplement that a couple suffering from the problems of infertility can use is “Fertility Boost”.
This product helps the woman especially, and many women who used it have seen serious changes, and conception has happened.
You need to supplement your normal foods with this powerful all natural product to help you increase your chance of conception.
You can get this product by clicking here. Get Fertility Boost Here!
1. Lose Weight To Booster Fertility For Women
If you want to increase your chance of conception, you need to lose weight as soon as you can. The reason is body fat produces the Estrogen hormone, and too much Estrogen in the body impairs your ability to conceive.
Being too thin could also cause infertility because without enough body fat, you may not be able to ovulate normally.
And if you want to lose weight quickly to increase your chance of conception, you may need the Clean-9 product to help you achieve this in record time.
Use this link to get Clean-9
2. Supplementation For The Man
The man should ensure that he protects his sperm by using a regular dose of Vitamin C twice daily. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that work by blocking off the action of free radicals that causes cell damage to the body.
To enhance fertility greatly, the man also needs, just like the woman a fertility product. This time around, he could use “VITOFIT For Men”. This one is a 100% natural supplement for sexual health.
“VITOFIT For Men” helps in addition to boosting fertility in men, it helps the man to maintain stamina, prevent fatigue during sex, promote libido, sexual potency and energy, increase sperm count, and improve a healthy prostrate condition.
You can get “VITOFIT For Men” By Clicking Here!
3. Time Your Fertile Periods And Conceive
Conception happens during the most fertile days of the woman, and if the man has a healthy sexual state, conception could happen if sexual intercourse takes place.
It’s important that the woman know how to calculate her fertile days if she has regular ovulation which supplementation can help achieve, that way the most fertile days for conception can be determined.
If you’re really interested in solving the problem of infertility, it’s vital that you invest in a quality supplements, because infertility in men and women may be linked to nutrient deficiency.
Bear in mind that it takes a minimum of 3 months for immature eggs in the ovaries to mature enough to be released during ovulation in women. For the men, it takes about 3 months for the sperm cells to be fully matured and to provide quality sperm, quality supplements are needed during this time period.
And those quality supplements can be found in the “Fertility Booster” for women, and “VITOFIT For Men”, both of which you can order immediately and have it delivered to you in days.
Above all and ultimately, I believe in God, and making the issue of infertility a matter of prayer is very important, as the source of life is from the Almighty One above. [Personal opinion]
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