Sex can always be beautiful within and without all year round in every marriage. I am strongly of the opinion that much more can be added to the wealth of knowledge any couple out there may have acquired. Creating delicate lovemaking moments has been researched to be one of the many ways sex can be enhanced between married lovers.
Many couples take sexual techniques for granted but believe me, they are still the best of many links to sexual fulfillment.
Sexual technique is simply the act of treating your spouse in a very special way during sex to enhance their passion for sex. In other words, sexual technique is following a sexual and sensual pattern.
To start with, there must be a proper preparation if sex must be enjoyed; careful groundwork is essential. Preparation begins long before bedtime; sex starts in the morning and not at bedtime.
The first homework is to settle any known or foreseen quarrel as soon as possible. Get ready for sex with a positive mindset. Many a time, couples find it difficult to have good sex because of life challenges but I have observed that if couples always wait for a perfect situation for sex, they might not find one. So, a positive mindset for any sexual activity is very important.
At any given time, filth, uncleanness and poor sense of orderliness have ruined many anticipated sexual thoughts. You must be neat and clean, and at the same time be seductively attractive and sexually appealing. Oral, armpit, vulva and penis hygiene should be well-observed, especially when the penis is uncircumcised.
The pubic hair should not be shaved in a way that will be coarse and cause irritation to the skin of your spouse. Most times, as simple as it appears, this has ruined good passionate sex and made some husbands develop quick ejaculation while some wives have to apply hot water to heal themselves.
Neatness is one of the guiding rules for successful lovemaking. Sex has turned out to be a nightmare just because of some offensive odour from the genitals. Since sometimes sex might be unpredictable, it is important to brush the mouth twice daily, especially when retiring at night.
This is very important because if there is a need to have oral sex, you must brush your teeth to prevent giving each other infections. Many couples contact some form of toilet disease just from unwashed mouth, because the same bacteria responsible for toilet disease are mostly also found in the mouth.
The bed should be laid with clean or new bedspread; old, stinking bedspreads are a turn-off for spouses. Get enough privacy; make sure your doors are locked to prevent the mind from being distracted. At no time should a lover disapprovingly take off their partner’s clothes in an offensive manner. It is important that both husband and wife slowly undress each other; this is an exciting part of the technique. The moment this has been done, the best part of the groundwork has been achieved. As a matter of fact, these particular habits mostly usher in the love play.
Getting each other aroused before the husband penetrates his wife is important; this can be done by holding each other lovingly, caressing each other tenderly, kissing, and carefully touching and fondling each other’s sexual organs.
At this point, couples should submit to each other by letting their partners know their sensitive areas and points of triggers. For many ladies, it is the clitoris and the breasts, especially the nipples. Let him know that it takes time before your sexual organs respond, especially the clitoris.
Make him kiss and use his tongue to caress your breasts, nipples and neck gently and lovingly, then later your genitals. As this goes on, the nipples become erect and the clitoris increases in size. Caressing should not be done in a hurried way. Take enough time to fully enjoy each other! It is important to understand the timing in lovemaking. The emotions and sensations should build up and be intensified gradually. Do not stop the stimulation once it begins; continue in an ever-increasing manner.
Basically, the whole body of a loving couple is an erotic zone. For the man, the nape of the neck, the back of the ears, the breasts, the armpits, the navel, the inner parts of the thighs, the groin, the pubic hair, the shaft of the manhood and the eye of the manhood are especially their most sensitive areas. All these should be kissed tenderly or caressed gently with the hand and tongue. If the man’s skin is too dry, you can get a bottle of baby lotion and seductively rub on the body parts; it will send sexual signals to the whole body.
The female erotic zone includes the base of the neck, the base of the hair, the lips, the armpits, the breasts, especially the nipples, the tummy, the navel, the inner parts of the thighs, the pubic hair, the clitoris, the lips of the vagina and the inner parts of the vagina.
All these could be tenderly touched and caressed with the man’s hands or tongue. Caressing various areas of your partner’s body shows an interest in the whole person.
In foreplay, the husband and the wife should talk freely to each other. They should tell each other what they want.
While gently caressing each other, it is advisable for the wife to take a comfortable position with legs apart so that the man will be able to gently play with her genitals. As her husband caresses her, she in turn plays with his nipples and the shaft and eye of his manhood.
Aside from the things already mentioned above, do you know how much hugging and cuddling your lover needs before and after intercourse? How about the sexual fantasies each partner nurtures? Paying a little extra attention to your sex life may be all it takes to transform it from a boring experience to an intense experience.
Couples put lots of efforts into their careers, friendship and parenting-they read books and improve on all other areas in their lives. Well, that is not a bad idea at all. But good sex requires the same level of research, information and attention, which means that making time for sex matters a lot.
Hug each other for 20 seconds each day and flirt with each other. Even when there isn’t time for sex, make sure your partner knows you want to have one with them at any available time. Send a romantic message to your partner’s phone or e-mail. Daydream about making love to your spouse while doing the laundry, dishes, and while at work or during your free time and so on.
What is the appropriate time to teach children about sex?
In this computer age, when everything is computerised, what is the appropriate age for children to read about sex?
Mr. Martins Paul
All children are not alike. But parents’ primary focus each time they want to start introducing sex education to each child or children in general should be to be real friends with them. It is very easy to pass any message across to someone you have already won their confidence, friendship, trust and love. Such persons will not only accept whatever idea you are bringing to them but will consider your idea as the best. This is why some rapists and child molesters try to become so friendly with the child they want to abuse that it will be so difficult for the child to break away even when they know the act is not right. So be a friend, hero and confidant to your child. Then the next step is to be able to understudy the child’s peculiarity; that is, their level of intelligence, exposure, and area of interest. Also, know your child’s circle of friends, his special games and aspirations. Then study his pattern of questions. Now while studying their pattern of questions, make sure you are not reprimanding them or curtailing their originality. Whenever you choose to start, always make the subject matter appear as if it’s not really a big deal. When you put up a face and posture that suggest that it is serious, they will likely keep quiet.
Is sharing rooms with our children a subtle form of child abuse?
My husband has two teenagers from his previous marriage while I have one from my previous marriage. We are newlyweds sharing a bedroom apartment with these teenagers. My question is: how healthy is it for us as parents to be caressing each other in the presence of these children since we cannot afford a bigger place for now and the passion for sex is very high between my husband and me? Is it safe to be sharing rooms with our children? Is this a subtle form of child abuse?
Mrs. Sunday Saheed
You might not be able to afford the type of accommodation you desire but the point is that even when you are living in a seven-bedroomed apartment, you can or may still dress up in the presence of your children or caress in front of them or make love around them. So the issue is not about the number of rooms; it is about making sure you create a sex safe environment for them. Do not unnecessarily expose them to some things or allow some thoughts to cloud their minds because of your actions. There are better ways to have passionate sex without giving the teenagers any clue about your actions. If you bathe together as a couple and have sex while doing that, they won’t know that you have sex while doing that. You could have a quick one when they are away on errand or in school.
My big boy always has an erection while accessing the Internet
I am a woman with three boys aged between five and seven years and in other not to disturb me with their endless demands and questions, whenever I’m busy with domestic chores, I allow them to play games on mobile devices with Internet facilities. But recently, I discovered that my eldest boy always has an erection while he is playing game or accessing the Internet. Please how can I intervene because even when I stop him, he goes to his friend’s house and still comes home with an erection? Help me!
Worried single parent
Unfortunately many games have been programmed with one form of sexual act or the other. As a matter of fact, even Facebook and Twitter are so overpopulated that our children are not only exposed to sexual perversions and pornography, but also are in daily contact with sex perverts and rapists. These sex perverts and rapists using the platforms are growing in number per minute. The number of sexual assault cases related to both social media sites has reached incredible heights; and half of those cases involve victims under the age of 16. Even when you try to stop them, they quickly defend it by saying that it is “harmless” chatting. Some of those chatting with these young children, especially girls, encourage them to send sexually explicit images on their mobile device. Some adults encourage young children to pornographic sites. Facebook and Twitter have billions of users. The point is that almost everyone has an account with the social media platforms and that naturally means exposure to sexually explicit contents and crimes. As much as there’s really no way for Facebook to control who joins the platform, it is important for you to let your children understand the negative effects that such platforms have on lives, future and well-being of children.
I can’t differentiate between normal erection nor prolonged painful one
I am 35 years old and I recently started having sex after a long abstinence from sex due to my profession. I am a professional boxer, and professional boxers sometimes have to abstain from sex for many months or even a whole year.
But my challenge now is that it seems that I can’t differentiate between normal erection or prolonged painful one. I am not sure if I ejaculate either. How long does it take for an average man to ejaculate during sexual intercourse? Sometimes, I get so confused I don’t understand my body at all. Sometimes, I take a lot of alcohol to stay longer during sex but despite that, my system seems to have broken down. I am in a dilemma, can you help me?
Derin Morris
When one alters the normal system of the body, it is possible the body mechanism gets abnormally disrupted; that is when a person starts experiencing this type of interruption. It took you some years to get into this mess, so you have to take things easy and work towards an ideal body system. An erection begins in the brain. Physical and/or mental stimulation cause nerves in the brain to send chemical messages to nerves in the penis, telling the penile blood vessels to relax so that blood can flow freely into the penis. Once in the penis, high pressure traps the blood within the tissue of the penis. This causes the penis to expand and sustain an erection. When you turn off this process, you alter normal erection. A normal ejaculation, which is the release of semen at climax, is triggered when the man reaches a critical level of excitement. That makes sexual stimulation to cause nerves in the penis to send chemical messages or impulses to the spinal cord and into the brain where other chemical messages are sent back to the penis through the spinal cord, causing ejaculation. When this is also altered because you choose not to allow any form of excitement at all, it can affect the average number of minutes it takes to ejaculate. All things being equal, an average man ejaculates within 9.6 to 15.5 minutes. To worsen the situation, you consume lots of alcohol which you have to stop immediately. Alcohol does not assist in prolonging ejaculation; rather, it undermines the quality of your ejaculation and power to stay erect. What alcohol does is that it helps you get aroused quickly and shortly afterwards; it drops your level of energy and competency.
By Funmi Akingbade
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